Research directions in requirements engineering
In this paper, we review current requirements engineering (RE) research and identify future
research directions suggested by emerging software needs. First, we overview the state of …
research directions suggested by emerging software needs. First, we overview the state of …
Requirements engineering in the year 00: A research perspective
A Van Lamsweerde - Proceedings of the 22nd international conference …, 2000 -
Requirements engineering (RE) is concerned with the identification of the goals to be
achieved by the envisioned system, the operationalization of such goals into services and …
achieved by the envisioned system, the operationalization of such goals into services and …
[图书][B] Principles of model checking
A comprehensive introduction to the foundations of model checking, a fully automated
technique for finding flaws in hardware and software; with extensive examples and both …
technique for finding flaws in hardware and software; with extensive examples and both …
Goal-oriented requirements engineering: A guided tour
A Van Lamsweerde - Proceedings fifth ieee international …, 2001 -
Goals capture, at different levels of abstraction, the various objectives the system under
consideration should achieve. Goal-oriented requirements engineering is concerned with …
consideration should achieve. Goal-oriented requirements engineering is concerned with …
Runtime verification for LTL and TLTL
This article studies runtime verification of properties expressed either in lineartime temporal
logic (LTL) or timed lineartime temporal logic (TLTL). It classifies runtime verification in …
logic (LTL) or timed lineartime temporal logic (TLTL). It classifies runtime verification in …
[HTML][HTML] Compliance monitoring in business processes: Functionalities, application, and tool-support
In recent years, monitoring the compliance of business processes with relevant regulations,
constraints, and rules during runtime has evolved as major concern in literature and …
constraints, and rules during runtime has evolved as major concern in literature and …
CADP 2011: a toolbox for the construction and analysis of distributed processes
H Garavel, F Lang, R Mateescu, W Serwe - International Journal on …, 2013 - Springer
CADP (Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes) is a comprehensive software
toolbox that implements the results of concurrency theory. Started in the mid-1980s, CADP …
toolbox that implements the results of concurrency theory. Started in the mid-1980s, CADP …
Bandera: Extracting finite-state models from Java source code
JC Corbett, MB Dwyer, J Hatcliff, S Laubach… - Proceedings of the …, 2000 -
Finite-state verification techniques, such as model checking, have shown promise as a cost-
effective means for finding defects in hardware designs. To date, the application of these …
effective means for finding defects in hardware designs. To date, the application of these …
Soundness of workflow nets: classification, decidability, and analysis
WMP Van Der Aalst, KM Van Hee… - Formal aspects of …, 2011 - Springer
Workflow nets, a particular class of Petri nets, have become one of the standard ways to
model and analyze workflows. Typically, they are used as an abstraction of the workflow that …
model and analyze workflows. Typically, they are used as an abstraction of the workflow that …
Handling obstacles in goal-oriented requirements engineering
A Van Lamsweerde, E Letier - IEEE Transactions on software …, 2000 -
Requirements engineering is concerned with the elicitation of high-level goals to be
achieved by the envisioned system, the refinement of such goals and their …
achieved by the envisioned system, the refinement of such goals and their …