[PDF][PDF] “Old” vs.“new” international financial institutions: competitors or supplementaries

G Kordić - ISSN 2671-132X Vol. 3 No. 1 pp. 1-1286 June 2021 …, 2021 - researchgate.net
Important source of liquidity, both in terms of crisis but also for program oriented financing,
especially for developing countries, are international financial institutions. Although in …


B Kalaš, V Mirović, M Inđić - Proceedings EKONBIZ, 2024 - ekonbiz.ues.rs.ba
The current architecture of the international economic system is undergoing significant
changes in favor of countries whose economies have not been dominant at the global level …

Nastanak i evolucija organizacije BRICS

R Stojković - Vojno delo, 2019 - scindeks.ceon.rs
Jedan od najznačajnijih neformalnih vidova saradnje u međunarodnim odnosima je BRICS,
koji dobija na značaju u vreme globalne ekonomske krize 2007/09. godine. Postigavši …