Compensating for bias in search results

EJ Horvitz, AH Awadallah, RW White - US Patent 10,007,730, 2018 - Google Patents
Biases in search and retrieval (ie, situations where searchers seek or are presented with
information that significantly deviates from the truth) may be detected by comparison to one …

Solution search for software support

R Rapp, C Savu, T Haeberle, T Schneider… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
A search middleware may be used to receive search requests regarding a software incident
associated with a software application. The search requests may be populated with attribute …

Hidden text detection for search result scoring

P Ciccolo, ME Flaster - US Patent 8,639,680, 2014 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Search engines provide search results pages in response to user queries.
A search results page includes search results for web pages responsive to a query. Each …

Adaptive input interface

CJ Wahlen - US Patent 8,712,931, 2014 - Google Patents
7,788,227 B1* 8/2010 Nettleton et al...... 707,640 plurality of user-specific text 1tems, which
are classifie 7,813,774 B2* 10/2010 Perez-Noguera... 455,575.. 1 according to a …

Efficiently identifying images, videos, songs or documents most relevant to the user based on attribute feedback

K Grauman, A Kovashka, D Parikh - US Patent 9,292,517, 2016 - Google Patents
A method, system and computer program product for efficiently identifying images, videos,
audio files or documents relevant to a user. Using either manual annotations or learned …

Dynamic data analysis and selection for determining outcomes associated with domain specific probabilistic data sets

N Freese, O Tripp, E Richardson - US Patent 9,443,002, 2016 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND An ever increasing amount of data and data sources are now available to
researchers, analysts, organizational enti ties, and others. This influx of information allows …

Compensating for individualized bias of search users

EJ Horvitz, AH Awadallah, RW White - US Patent 10,007,719, 2018 - Google Patents
Biases in search and retrieval (ie, situations where searchers seek or are presented with
information that significantly deviates from the truth) may be detected by comparison to one …

Efficiently identifying images, videos, songs or documents most relevant to the user using binary search trees on attributes for guiding relevance feedback

K Grauman, A Kovashka - US Patent 9,176,993, 2015 - Google Patents
A method, system and computer program product for efficiently identifying images, videos,
audio files or documents relevant to a user using binary search trees in attribute space for …

Systems and methods for sequential event prediction with noise-contrastive estimation for marked temporal point process

R Guo, J Li, H Liu - US Patent App. 16/511,505, 2020 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND [0003] Recent years have witnessed a booming of sequen tial event data in
a variety of high-impact domains, ranging from the streams of reposts in microblogging …

Probabilistic call-graph construction

Y Lu, D Wainwright, M Reif - US Patent 10,719,314, 2020 - Google Patents
Embodiments construct a precise and scalable call graph that models potentially incomplete
object-oriented program code, including libraries. The call graph encodes the probabilities …