Stochastic rounding: implementation, error analysis and applications

M Croci, M Fasi, NJ Higham… - Royal Society Open …, 2022 -
Stochastic rounding (SR) randomly maps a real number x to one of the two nearest values in
a finite precision number system. The probability of choosing either of these two numbers is …

[PDF][PDF] The SCIP optimization suite 7.0

G Gamrath, D Anderson, K Bestuzheva, WK Chen… - 2020 -
The SCIP Optimization Suite provides a collection of software packages for mathematical
optimization centered around the constraint integer programming frame-work SCIP. This …

[PDF][PDF] The FEniCS project version 1.5

M Alnæs, J Blechta, J Hake… - Archive of …, 2015 -
The FEniCS Project is a collaborative project for the development of innovative concepts
and tools for automated scientific computing, with a particular focus on the solution of …

Computer-assisted proofs in PDE: a survey

J Gómez-Serrano - SeMA Journal, 2019 - Springer
Computer-assisted proofs in PDE: a survey | SpringerLink Skip to main content
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Mixed precision algorithms in numerical linear algebra

NJ Higham, T Mary - Acta Numerica, 2022 -
Today's floating-point arithmetic landscape is broader than ever. While scientific computing
has traditionally used single precision and double precision floating-point arithmetics, half …

[PDF][PDF] SymPy: symbolic computing in Python

A Meurer, CP Smith, M Paprocki, O Čertík… - PeerJ Computer …, 2017 -
SymPy is an open source computer algebra system written in pure Python. It is built with a
focus on extensibility and ease of use, through both interactive and programmatic …

ias15: a fast, adaptive, high-order integrator for gravitational dynamics, accurate to machine precision over a billion orbits

H Rein, DS Spiegel - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical …, 2015 -
We present ias15, a 15th-order integrator to simulate gravitational dynamics. The integrator
is based on a Gauß–Radau quadrature and can handle conservative as well as non …

Sirnn: A math library for secure rnn inference

D Rathee, M Rathee, RKK Goli, D Gupta… - … IEEE Symposium on …, 2021 -
Complex machine learning (ML) inference algorithms like recurrent neural networks (RNNs)
use standard functions from math libraries like exponentiation, sigmoid, tanh, and reciprocal …

[图书][B] Numerically solving polynomial systems with Bertini

Systems of polynomial equations are a common occurrence in problem formulations in
engineering, science, and mathematics. Solution sets of such systems, ie, algebraic sets, are …

SweeD: likelihood-based detection of selective sweeps in thousands of genomes

P Pavlidis, D Živković, A Stamatakis… - Molecular biology and …, 2013 -
The advent of modern DNA sequencing technology is the driving force in obtaining complete
intra-specific genomes that can be used to detect loci that have been subject to positive …