The association between internet addiction and psychiatric co-morbidity: a meta-analysis

RC Ho, MWB Zhang, TY Tsang, AH Toh, F Pan, Y Lu… - BMC psychiatry, 2014 - Springer
Background This study evaluates the association between Internal Addiction (IA) and
psychiatric co-morbidity in the literature. Methods Meta-analyses were conducted on cross …

Alcohol Consumption in Chinese Young Adult Gamers: Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)

Q Wang - International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2024 - Springer
Evidence linking alcohol consumption and gaming was inconsistent. This study aimed to
explore this link in a sample of Chinese young adult gamers and to determine if the AUDIT …

Risk behaviors among youths in a two-aspect approach: using psychoactive substances and problematic using of internet

Ł Tomczyk, A Wąsiński - Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Risky behaviors, both online and offline, draw the attention of people who are engaged in
education, namely parents, teachers, law enforcement representatives. This text joins the …

Az interneten eltöltött idő és a problémás használat háttértényezőinek vizsgálata fiatalok körében

DK Prievara, B Pikó - Iskolakultúra, 2015 -
Az internet a fiatalok mindennapi életének részévé vált az utóbbi évek során. Hasz-
nálatában az egyik legintenzívebb időszak a serdülőkorra esik, ezért is áll ez a korosztály a …

[HTML][HTML] Enforcement agencies and smoke-free policy compliance: An observational study in Qingdao, China

C Hoe, H Ahsan, X Ning, X Wang, D Li… - Tobacco Induced …, 2021 -
METHODS A cross-sectional observational study was undertaken between October and
November 2018. Venues were selected based on enforcement agency and included …

Ежедневное длительное пользование Интернетом и употребление алкоголя среди сельских подростков

ЕС Скворцова, НП Лушкина - Профилактическая медицина, 2021 -
Цель исследования. Выявить особенности употребления алкоголя среди подростков,
ежедневно длительно пользующихся Интернетом 3 ч и более (ЕДПИ), в сравнении с …

Табакокурение среди сельских подростков-школьников, ежедневно длительно пользующихся Интернетом

ЕС Скворцова, НП Лушкина - Вопросы психического здоровья детей и …, 2021 -
Статья посвящена изучению распространенности и мотивации табакокурения среди
подростков, ежедневно длительно пользующихся Интернетом (ЕДПИ) по данным …

Hipertenzija: paciento vaidmuo ligos kontrolėje

G Muštavičiūtė - 2017 -

Paauglių pirminės arterinės hipertenzijos sąsajos su fizine ir psichine sveikata bei širdies ir kraujagyslių ligų rizikos veiksniais

K Simanauskas - 2013 -
Abstract [eng] Hypertension is one of the main causes of cardiovascular disease and the
reason of early death in the world. Growing epidemiology data support a correlation …

The Influence of Early Exposure to Tobacco Smoke for Pulmonary Disease—One town model from Erimo, Japan—

A EBIHARA, A NAGAI, T NAKANO… - Health Evaluation and …, 2012 -
Background Smoking is known to be a serious risk factor for COPD, lung cancer and other
chronic pulmonary diseases. The traditional custom in Erimo, Hokkaido is for the children to …