Can you remember silence? Epigenetic memory and reversibility as a site of intervention
Just over 20 years ago, molecular biologists Leonie Ringrose and Renato Paro published
an article with a provocative title,“Remembering Silence”, in BioEssays. The article focused …
an article with a provocative title,“Remembering Silence”, in BioEssays. The article focused …
Troubling neurobiological vulnerability: psychiatric risk and the adverse milieu in environmental epigenetics research
In post-genomic science, the development of etiological models of neurobiological
vulnerability to psychiatric risk has expanded exponentially in recent decades, particularly …
vulnerability to psychiatric risk has expanded exponentially in recent decades, particularly …
Homeorhesis: Envisaging the logic of life trajectories in molecular research on trauma and its effects
What sets someone on a life trajectory? This question is at the heart of studies of 21st-
century neurosciences that build on scientific models developed over the last 150 years that …
century neurosciences that build on scientific models developed over the last 150 years that …
La responsabilisation des auteurs de violence conjugale: définition et stratégies d'intervention issues des savoirs d'expérience d'intervenantes et intervenants …
V Roy, N Brodeur, R Angele - Criminologie, Forensique et Sécurité, 2024 -
Résumé Au Québec et ailleurs, la responsabilisation des auteurs de violence conjugale
(AV) compte parmi les principes-clés des actions visant à contrer la violence conjugale. Un …
(AV) compte parmi les principes-clés des actions visant à contrer la violence conjugale. Un …
[PDF][PDF] Can you remember silence? Life in the aftermath of trauma
S Lloyd, C Bonventre, PE Lutz - 2022 -
1 Can you remember silence? Life in the aftermath of trauma Stephanie Lloyd Pierre-Eric Lutz
Chani Bonventre Pierre Janet commen Page 1 1 Can you remember silence? Life in the …
Chani Bonventre Pierre Janet commen Page 1 1 Can you remember silence? Life in the …