[PDF][PDF] Frequency-specific ABR and ASSR threshold assessment in young infants

DR Stapells - Phonak. com, 2011 - phonakpro.com
The importance of early identification and habilitation of hearing loss for improved access to
auditory stimuli and for positive prognosis of speech and language is well established in the …

[HTML][HTML] A 25-year review of Cuba's screening program for early detection of hearing loss

MCP Abalo, JAG Vázquez, GS López… - MEDICC …, 2009 - medigraphic.com
Introduction Early screening for hearing loss is currently recognized as an international
healthcare standard. In Cuba, such a program was initiated in the capital, Havana, in 1983 …

The clinical value of the multiple-frequency 80-Hz auditory steady-state response in adults with normal hearing and hearing loss

W D'haenens, I Dhooge, L Maes… - … –Head & Neck …, 2009 - jamanetwork.com
Objectives To determine the ability of the air-conduction multiple-frequency auditory steady-
state response (ASSR) technique to diagnose normal hearing (NH) and mild and moderate …

[PDF][PDF] Diagnóstico e intervención temprana de los trastornos de la audición: una experiencia cubana de 20 años

MC Pérez-Abalo, JA Gaya, G Savío… - Rev …, 2005 - researchgate.net
Introduction. Infant hearing loss is a highly prevalent disorder which untreated can severely
disrupt normal brain development. As a result there is a significant delay in language …

Latencies of auditory steady-state responses recorded in early infancy

J Alaerts, H Luts, B Van Dun, C Desloovere… - Audiology and …, 2010 - karger.com
Multiple-stimulus auditory steady-state responses (ASSRs) were assessed in 111 ears of 70
infants between–4 and 19 weeks of age at risk for hearing loss. ASSR thresholds obtained …

[图书][B] Basic concepts of clinical electrophysiology in audiology

JD Durrant, CG Fowler, JA Ferraro, SC Purdy - 2022 - books.google.com
Basic Concepts of Clinical Electrophysiology in Audiology is a revolutionary textbook,
combining the research and expertise of both distinguished experts and up-and-coming …

Analysis of auditory function using brainstem auditory evoked potentials and auditory steady state responses in infants with perinatal brain injury

AJ Moreno-Aguirre, E Santiago-Rodríguez… - … journal of audiology, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Approximately 2–4% of newborns with perinatal risk factors present hearing loss.
The aim of this study was to analyse the auditory function in infants with perinatal brain injury …

Comparing statistics for objective detection of transient and steady-state evoked responses in newborns

E Mijares, MC Pérez Abalo, D Herrera… - … Journal of Audiology, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Objective: Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) methodology was used to compare the
performance of different statistics in the automatic detection of multiple auditory steady-state …

Cribado auditivo neonatal con potenciales evocados auditivos de estado estable a múltiples frecuencias

EM Nodarse, DH Alonso, JG Vázquez… - Acta …, 2011 - Elsevier
Introducción Las técnicas más utilizadas en los programas de cribado auditivo presentan
limitaciones reconocidas en la detección de las pérdidas auditivas. Se presenta una nueva …

The effect of brief-tone stimulus duration on the brain stem auditory steady-state response

L Mo, DR Stapells - Ear and Hearing, 2008 - journals.lww.com
Objective: To investigate the effect of brief-tone stimulus duration on the amplitude of the
brain stem auditory steady-state response (ASSR), both in single-and multiple-stimulus …