Exchange rate predictability

B Rossi - Journal of economic literature, 2013 -
The main goal of this article is to provide an answer to the question: does anything forecast
exchange rates, and if so, which variables? It is well known that exchange rate fluctuations …

Exchange rates and interest parity

C Engel - Handbook of international economics, 2014 - Elsevier
This chapter surveys recent theoretical and empirical contributions on foreign exchange rate
determination. The chapter first examines monetary models under uncovered interest parity …

Can oil prices forecast exchange rates? An empirical analysis of the relationship between commodity prices and exchange rates

D Ferraro, K Rogoff, B Rossi - Journal of International Money and Finance, 2015 - Elsevier
We show the existence of a very short-term relationship at the daily frequency between
changes in the price of a country's major commodity export and changes in its nominal …

What does the yield curve tell us about exchange rate predictability?

Y Chen, KP Tsang* - Review of Economics and Statistics, 2013 -
Since the term structure of interest rates embodies information about future economic
activity, we extract relative Nelson-Siegel (1987) factors from cross-country yield curve …

The uncovered interest parity puzzle, exchange rate forecasting, and Taylor rules

C Engel, D Lee, C Liu, C Liu, SPY Wu - Journal of International Money and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Recent research has found that the Taylor-rule fundamentals have power to forecast
changes in US dollar exchange rates out of sample. Our work casts some doubt on that …

Yield curve predictors of foreign exchange returns

A Ang, J Chen - AFA 2011 Denver Meetings Paper, 2010 -
In a no-arbitrage framework, any variable that affects the pricing of the domestic yield curve
has the potential to predict foreign exchange risk premiums. The most widely used interest …

On the relationship between oil price and exchange rates: A wavelet analysis

GS Uddin, AK Tiwari, M Arouri, F Teulon - Economic Modelling, 2013 - Elsevier
We may find numerous works in the existing literature regarding the cohesion between oil
prices and exchange rates, yet an exact shape of the relationship remains undefined. By …

Google Trends and the forecasting performance of exchange rate models

L Bulut - Journal of Forecasting, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
In this paper, we use Google Trends data for exchange rate forecasting in the context of a
broad literature review that ties the exchange rate movements with macroeconomic …

Taylor rules and the euro

T Molodtsova, A Nikolsko‐Rzhevskyy… - Journal of Money …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
This article uses real‐time data to show that inflation and either the output gap or
unemployment, variables which normally enter central banks' Taylor rules, can provide …

Can gold prices forecast the Australian dollar movements?

N Apergis - International Review of Economics & Finance, 2014 - Elsevier
This paper explores whether gold prices have a reliable out-of-sample relationship with the
Australian dollar/US dollar nominal and real exchange rates using daily and quarterly data …