Feeding bees according to desired honey type: tailoring support for European Energy Communities to their function to escape the energy trilemma

J Lowitzsch, C Croonenbroeck, R Novo - Energy Research & Social …, 2024 - Elsevier
Energy Communities must comply with the governance rules stipulated in the Renewable
Energy Directive II and the Internal Electricity Market Directive if they wish to qualify as …

[PDF][PDF] Energiewenderecht: Rechtliche Entwicklungen zum Ersatz fossiler Energiequellen in Richtung Klimaneutralität

S Cejka - 18. Symposium Energieinnovation (EnInnov), 2024 - researchgate.net
Zweifelsohne ist die Energiewende eines der zentralen Themen dieses Jahrzehnts; geprägt
von Schlagwörtern wie “Green Deal”,“Fit für 55” und “Klimaneutralität”, die tiefgreifende …

How to Best Support Renewable and Citizen Energy Communities in the Light of the Transposition of the RED II and the IEMD

J Lowitzsch, C Croonenbroeck… - Available at SSRN …, 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
Energy Communities have to comply with the governance rules stipulated in the Renewable
Energy Directive II and the Directive on Common Rules for the Internal Electricity Market if …

Assessment of the influence of renewable energy communities on future scenarios of the distribution grid

G Eibl, D Radovanovic, D Reihs, R Kapeller… - IET Conference …, 2024 - IET
While the increasing usage of renewable energy resources is necessary, the unreliablity of
these resources will have a negative impact on the energy grid. By creating financial …

Grid-aware demand response in energy communities

D Reihs, S Cejka, M Stefan - IET Conference Proceedings CP876, 2024 - IET
To tackle climate change, large amounts of distributed renewable power generation
capacities will be installed over the coming years. At the same time, the electrification of the …

Einfluss von heterogenen Parametern auf die Kennzahlen von Energiegemeinschaften

B Thomann - 2023 - repositum.tuwien.at
Die Dekarbonisierung der elektrischen Energieerzeugung ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil
zur Eindämmung des Klimawandels. Energiegemeinschaften bieten Privatpersonen und …

Impact of Large-Scale Deployment of Energy Communities on Distribution Grids

F Strebl - 2024 - repositum.tuwien.at
Presented work aims to investigate into the impact of a large-scale deployment of renewable
energy communities on distribution grids. To fulfill a large-scale investigation, a twofold …

[引用][C] Energy communities of repair in remote infrastructures: a study of Puerto Edén in the Chilean Patagonia

G Baigorrotegui, D González, CP Gumucio - Sustainability in Debate, 2023