Laser multi-focus precision cutting of thick sapphire by spherical aberration rectification

R Ma, L Ji, T Yan - Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020 - Elsevier
Laser multi-focus separation technology is an effective way to cut thick, transparent and hard
materials. In this paper, factors affecting the quality of multi-focus cutting sapphire were …

Strong field excitation of electrons into localized states of fused silica

T Pflug - 2022 -
Abstract (DE) Obwohl amorphe Dielektrika lokalisierte Zustände im Leitungsband
aufweisen, werden Elektronen, die durch hoch intensive Laserstrahlung angeregt werden …

Generation of nano-voids inside polylactide using femtosecond laser radiation

T Viertel, L Pabst, M Olbrich, R Ebert, A Horn, H Exner - Applied Physics A, 2017 - Springer
The arrangement of nanometer-sized voids, induced by focusing intense laser radiation
within transparent material can allow the generation of transparent components with …

[PDF][PDF] Volumeninterne Ultrakurzpulslaserbearbeitung transparenter Polymere

GL Roth - 2022 -
Internal ultrashort pulse laser processing of transparent polymers Mobile diagnostics has the
potential to significantly improve medical care, especially in countries without a well …

Internal micro structuring of transparent optical polymers by fs laser

GL Roth, C Esen, R Hellmann - Laser-based Micro-and …, 2020 -
Lab-on-chip systems are based on components to transport, mix, separate and analyse
small volumes of different fluids. The consecutive integration of more complex functions into …

Research on multi-focus laser based on refractive Fresnel lens

G Zhang, J Zhang, S Zhou - 2021 International Conference on …, 2022 -
Laser multi-focus separation technology is used as an efficient way to cut thick transparent
materials and composites. In this paper, we propose a multi-focal design and experimental …

Laser-based manufacturing of 2.5 D bodies of polylactide

T Viertel, L Pabst, R Ebert… - Laser-based Micro-and …, 2020 -
Ultrashort laser pulses offer enormous potential for precise micro structuring, especially of
transparent materials [1-2]. When focusing ultrashort laser pulses into the material, the …


T Viertel, R Ebert, M Olbrich, J Bliedtner -
In dieser Veröffentlichung werden grundlegende Ergebnisse zur Erzeugung von
Mikrokavitäten in modifiziertem PMMA mit ultrakurz-gepulster Laserstrahlung vorgestellt (λ …