[HTML][HTML] Internal motion within pulsating pure-quartic soliton molecules in a fiber laser

S Yang, Z Zhu, Y Qi, L Jin, L Li, X Lin - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2023 - Elsevier
Various striking nonlinear evolution dynamics have been observed in mode-locked fiber
lasers owing to the high peak power of the solitons. Herein, we numerically demonstrate the …

Theoretical analysis of solutions of cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation with gain saturation

OV Shtyrina, IA Yarutkina, AS Skidin, EV Podivilov… - Optics …, 2019 - opg.optica.org
We study highly chirped analytical solutions of the cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation
with the gain saturation. Based on the analysis, we propose the analytical method of …

Hybrid fiber laser integrating fast and slow active media for accurate synthesis of high-energy arbitrary optical waveforms by cavity dumping

B Nyushkov, A Ivanenko, S Smirnov - Laser Physics Letters, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
We demonstrate the possibility of the accurate direct laser synthesis of high-energy arbitrary
optical waveforms by the programmable driving of partial cavity dumping in a specific …

Study of a dissipative soliton in the distributed mathematical model of ultra-long mode-locked fiber lasers

OV Shtyrina, EV Podivilov, AS Skidin, IA Yarutkina… - JOSA B, 2021 - opg.optica.org
We propose the new, to the best of our knowledge, distributed mathematical model of
dissipative soliton evolution in ultra-long fiber lasers. The model is based on a modified …

Online measurement of internal parameters in a quasi-CW diode-pumped Nd: YAG Laser

W Wang, Z Yan, Z Wang - Applied Sciences, 2019 - mdpi.com
Featured Application An online measurement method with a measurement cell to estimate
internal parameters (small-signal gain coefficient, internal optical losses, the saturation …

Study of gain efficiency in quasi-distributed amplification systems

OV Shtyrina, AY Kokhanovskiy, IA Yarutkina… - Optics Letters, 2020 - opg.optica.org
We propose the mathematical model of quasi-distributed gain in fiber laser systems with
cavity dumping. Particularly, we consider in detail the case of a small number of periodic …

Predicting instabilities of a tunable ring laser with an iterative map model

B Metherall, CS Bohun - JOSA B, 2021 - opg.optica.org
Simple mathematical models have been unable to predict the conditions leading to
instabilities in a tunable ring laser. Here we propose a nonlinear iterative map model for …

A new method of modelling tuneable lasers with functional composition

B Metherall, CS Bohun - … , Statistical and Computational Sciences: The V …, 2021 - Springer
A new nonlinear model is proposed for tuneable lasers. Using the generalized nonlinear
Schrödinger equation as a starting point, expressions for the transformations undergone by …

Экспериментальное измерение и аналитическая оценка усиления сигнала в иттербиевом волокне

ОВ Штырина, АЮ Кохановский, АВ Иваненко… - Фотон …, 2019 - cyberleninka.ru
Волоконные лазеры широко используют активные усиливающие среды с целью
получения устойчивой импульсной генерации. В данной работе была предложена …

Experimental measurement and simple analytical estimation of signal gain in Yb-doped fiber

OV Shtyrina, AY Kokhanovskiy, M Dyatlov… - … Conference on Lasers …, 2019 - opg.optica.org
Fiber lasers intensively use the active medium to compensate for the cavity losses in order to
achieve stable pulse generation. Here we propose the experimental scheme to measure the …