Balanced partial entanglement and the entanglement wedge cross section

Q Wen - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021 - Springer
A bstract In this article we define a new information theoretical quantity for any bipartite
mixed state ρ AB. We call it the balanced partial entanglement (BPE). The BPE is the partial …

Formulas for partial entanglement entropy

Q Wen - Physical Review Research, 2020 - APS
The partial entanglement entropy (PEE) s A (A i) characterizes how much the subset A i of A
contribute to the entanglement entropy SA. We find one additional physical requirement for s …

Casimir forces on deformed fermionic chains

B Mula, SN Santalla, J Rodríguez-Laguna - Physical Review Research, 2021 - APS
We characterize the Casimir forces for the Dirac vacuum on free-fermionic chains with
smoothly varying hopping amplitudes, which correspond to (1+ 1)-dimensional [(1+ 1) D] …

Entanglement links and the quasiparticle picture

SN Santalla, G Ramírez, SS Roy, G Sierra… - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
The time evolution of a quantum state with short-range correlations after a quench to a one-
dimensional critical Hamiltonian can be understood using the quasiparticle picture, which …

Entanglement in noncritical inhomogeneous quantum chains

N Samos Sáenz de Buruaga, SN Santalla… - Physical Review B, 2021 - APS
We study an inhomogeneous critical Ising chain in a transverse field whose couplings decay
exponentially from the center. In the strong inhomogeneity limit, we apply Fisher's …

Excited-eigenstate entanglement properties of XX spin chains with random long-range interactions

Y Mohdeb, J Vahedi, S Kettemann - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
Quantum information theoretical measures are useful tools for characterizing quantum
dynamical phases. However, employing them to study excited states of random spin systems …

Link representation of the entanglement entropies for all bipartitions

SS Roy, SN Santalla, G Sierra… - Journal of Physics A …, 2021 -
We have recently shown that the entanglement entropy of any bipartition of a quantum state
can be approximated as the sum of certain link strengths connecting internal and external …

Depletion in fermionic chains with inhomogeneous hoppings

B Mula, N Samos Sáenz de Buruaga, G Sierra… - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
The ground state of a free-fermionic chain with inhomogeneous hoppings at half-filling can
be mapped into the Dirac vacuum on a static curved space-time, which presents exactly …

Quantum Entanglements in mixed-spin XY systems

PP Zhang, J Wang, YL Xu, CY Wang… - Physica A: Statistical …, 2021 - Elsevier
In order to study the entanglement properties of mixed-spin systems, taking Negativity as a
measure of quantum entanglement, it is studied in (1/2, 1) mixed-spin XY systems. It is found …

Exotic correlation spread in free-fermionic states with initial patterns

S Singha Roy, G Ramírez, SN Santalla, G Sierra… - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
We describe a relation between the light-cone velocities after a quantum quench and the
internal structure of the initial state, in the particular case of free fermions on a chain at half …