A survey of autonomous human affect detection methods for social robots engaged in natural HRI

D McColl, A Hong, N Hatakeyama, G Nejat… - Journal of Intelligent & …, 2016 - Springer
Abstract In Human-Robot Interactions (HRI), robots should be socially intelligent. They
should be able to respond appropriately to human affective and social cues in order to …

A gesture based interface for human-robot interaction

S Waldherr, R Romero, S Thrun - Autonomous Robots, 2000 - Springer
Abstract Service robotics is currently a highly active research area in robotics, with
enormous societal potential. Since service robots directly interact with people, finding …

Data-and model-driven gaze control for an active-vision system

G Backer, B Mertsching… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2001 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Models of visual attention provide a general approach to control the activities of active vision
systems. We introduce a new model of attentional control that differs in important aspects …

Surveillance and human–computer interaction applications of self-growing models

J García-Rodríguez, JM García-Chamizo - Applied Soft Computing, 2011 - Elsevier
The aim of the work is to build self-growing based architectures to support visual
surveillance and human–computer interaction systems. The objectives include: identifying …

Gesture recognition based on localist attractor networks with application to robot control [application notes]

RR Yan, KPKP Tee, YY Chua, HH Li… - IEEE Computational …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this work, we proposed an online gesture recognition method based on LAN (Localist
Attractor Networks). It was employed to recognize human gestures using streams of feature …

Evaluation of different chrominance models in the detection and reconstruction of faces and hands using the growing neural gas network

A Angelopoulou, J Garcia-Rodriguez… - Pattern Analysis and …, 2019 - Springer
Physical traits such as the shape of the hand and face can be used for human recognition
and identification in video surveillance systems and in biometric authentication smart card …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluation multimodaler computer-systeme in frühen entwicklungsphasen

K Seifert - 2002 - depositonce.tu-berlin.de
Die Multimodalität als neuartiges Konzept der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion steht
gegenwärtig im besonderen Interesse der anwendungsorientierten Forschung. Die …

GPGPU implementation of growing neural gas: Application to 3D scene reconstruction

S Orts, J Garcia-Rodriguez, D Viejo, M Cazorla… - Journal of Parallel and …, 2012 - Elsevier
Self-organising neural models have the ability to provide a good representation of the input
space. In particular the Growing Neural Gas (GNG) is a suitable model because of its …

A growing neural gas algorithm with applications in hand modelling and tracking

A Angelopoulou, A Psarrou… - … : 11th International Work …, 2011 - Springer
Growing models have been widely used for clustering or topology learning. Traditionally
these models work on stationary environments, grow incrementally and adapt their nodes to …

Person localization and posture recognition for human-robot interaction

HJ Boehme, UD Braumann, A Corradini… - … Based Communication in …, 1999 - Springer
The development of a hybrid system for (mainly) gesturebased human-robot interaction is
presented, thereby describing the progress in comparison to the work shown at the last …