[图书][B] Aqueducts and Urbanism in Post-Roman Hispania

J Martínez Jiménez - 2020 - repository.cam.ac.uk
Our current knowledge of Roman aqueducts across the Empire is patchy and uneven. Even
if the development of “aqueduct studies”(where engineering, archaeology, architecture …

Evergetism among the bishops of Hispania between the sixth and seventh centuries: a dialogue between archaeological and documentary sources

MÁU Agudo, FJM Martín - Journal of Early Christian Studies, 2015 - muse.jhu.edu
The role of the bishops of Hispania in the construction of churches in the late antique period
has been highlighted by a traditional historiography which considered the religious …

Singing to the tomb of Leocadia: a unique procession in the Old Hispanic rite

K Ihnat - Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The only record we have of a procession for a saint in the entire Old Hispanic tradition is a
chant sung on the feast of Saint Leocadia, on the way to her tomb (ad sepulcrum). Copied in …

Entre civitas y madīna: el mundo de las ciudades en la Península Ibérica y en el Norte de África (siglos IV-IX)

L Callegarin, S Panzram - 2018 - torrossa.com
En la antigüedad, hubo una concentración de aglomeraciones urbanas en la Península
Ibérica y el norte de África que fue única en la historia del Imperio Romano. Pero,¿ qué …

[PDF][PDF] Reccopolitani and other town dwellers in the southern Meseta during the Visigothic period of state formation

J Martínez Jiménez, A Martínez Jiménez - 2020 - repository.cam.ac.uk
The ex novo royal urban foundation of Reccopolis, in a largely de-urbanized territory, near
the Visigothic capital of Toledo in the late sixth century ce has had a significant impact on …

9 Re-imagining Roman Persecution in the Visigothic Passions

D Addison - Rome and Byzantium in the Visigothic Kingdom - degruyter.com
Despite the intervening centuries, the Iberian martyr passions show how important the later
Roman world—especially its sites of judicial torture and spectacular punishment—was to the …

Ciudad y territorio toledano entre la Antigüedad tardía y el reino visigodo: la construcción de una" Civitas regia"(ss. IV-VIII d. C.)

RB Cabrera, JC Santos, JM de Pablos… - Erytheia: Revista de …, 2015 - dialnet.unirioja.es
Durante la Antigüedad tardía el paisaje urbano de Toledo se vio profundamente alterado o
modificado, al tiempo que se produjo una reorganización y nueva concepción de los …

[PDF][PDF] La excavación de la mezquita de Tornerías (Toledo): estratigrafía y dataciones

AR Taboada - Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie I, Prehistoria y …, 2022 - researchgate.net
The Tornerías complex is made up of two buildings in one, from different periods and styles,
with alterations and additions that make it difficult to read them historically. The excavations …

Vrbs, Praetorivm, Svbvrbia. Centros de poder en la civitas regia toledana y su territorio en época visigoda

RB Cabrera, JC Santos, JM de Pablos - Antigüedad y Cristianismo, 2019 - revistas.um.es
El estudio de la dispersión de los elementos de escultura decorativa de época visigoda en
Toledo permite afianzar la antigua hipótesis de una topografía urbana centrada en tres …

Los reyes visigodos de Toledo y el botín de guerra. Reparto y destino

S Orlowski - Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, 2024 - search.proquest.com
In this paper, we provide evidence that proves that the distribution of the spoils of war in the
Visigothic kingdom of Toledo was a social practice that supported the royal power. The …