Purchasing and supply management skills revisited: an extensive literature review

E Karttunen - Benchmarking: An International Journal, 2018 - emerald.com
Purpose Research on purchasing managers and their skills requirements supports the
training and education of purchasing professionals. This paper offers an in-depth analytical …

[图书][B] Managing the global supply chain

T Skjott-Larsen - 2007 - books.google.com
The world today faces global competition. The supply chain is a vital part of the globalization
process. Presenting a global view of the scope and complexity of supply chain management …

Collaborative product development: The effect of project complexity on the use of information technology tools and new product development practices

DX Peng, GR Heim, DN Mallick - Production and …, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Collaboration is an essential element of new product development (NPD). This research
examines the associations between four types of information technology (IT) tools and NPD …

Understanding the impact of collaboration software on product design and development

RD Banker, I Bardhan… - Information Systems …, 2006 - pubsonline.informs.org
Prior research suggests that supply chain collaboration has enabled companies to compete
more efficiently in a global economy. We investigate a class of collaboration software for …

Organizing for mass customization: literature review and research agenda

E Sandrin, A Trentin, C Forza - International Journal of Industrial …, 2014 - research.unipd.it
Due to the increase in sophisticated customer needs and intense competition, mass
customisation has increasingly drawn the attention of companies and scholars. The …

Disentangling the link between ICT and Industry 4.0: impacts on knowledge-related performance

M Bettiol, M Capestro, E Di Maria… - International journal of …, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose Industry 4.0 technologies are promising to increase manufacturing companies'
performance through the new knowledge that such digital technologies allow to create and …

'Lean first, then automate': a framework for process improvement in pure service companies. A case study

T Bortolotti, P Romano - Production Planning & Control, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Born in manufacturing environment, only recently Lean Management has been implemented
in services. In particular, the role of automation and information technology in leaning …

Management of product architecture modularity for mass customization: modeling and theoretical considerations

JH Mikkola - IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper examines the management of product architecture modularity for mass
customization. Product architecture modularity is concerned with system decomposition, the …

Impacts of information technology on mass customization capability of manufacturing plants

D Xiaosong Peng, G Liu, GR Heim - International Journal of …, 2011 - emerald.com
Purpose–The impact of information technology (IT) on mass customization (MC) capability
has been implied in the literature but seldom subjected to empirical examination. This study …

Social media and Web 2.0 for knowledge sharing in product design

Z Irani, AM Sharif, T Papadopoulos… - Production Planning & …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Working collaboratively with internal and external partners (suppliers, customers and
internal stakeholders) has been at the epicentre of product design. Knowledge sharing has …