„No... nie wyszło to tak, jak oczekiwaliśmy". Typologia zdalnych lekcji z perspektywy młodzieży

K Kalinowska - Zoon Politikon, 2022 - ceeol.com
W publikacjach naukowych o szkole w czasach pandemii możemy znaleźć wiele
alarmujących doniesień dotyczących „wypadania” uczniów z systemu zdalnej edukacji …

Time-space-relationships-an art school student in the face of the pandemic educational experiment.

A Weiner - Studia z Teorii Wychowania, 2024 - search.ebscohost.com
In this article, the author explores a niche but important problem of functioning of the artistic
schools during difficult times of social isolation and virtual learning. More specifically …

Czas-przestrzeń–relacje-uczeń szkoły artystycznej wobec pandemicznego eksperymentu edukacyjnego

A Weiner - Studia z Teorii Wychowania, 2024 - ceeol.com
In this article, the author explores a niche but important problem of functioning of the artistic
schools during difficult times of social isolation and virtual learning. More specifically …

Time-space-relations-a student of the artistic school in the educational experiment during the pandemic

A Weiner - Studies on the Theory of Education, 2024 - sztw.chat.edu.pl
In this article, the author explores a niche but important problem of functioning of the artistic
schools during difficult times of social isolation and virtual learning. More specifically …

Students' responses to Maria Grzegorzewska's Letters to a Young Teacher

M Krasuska-Betiuk, M Kupiec - Studies on the Theory of Education, 2022 - sztw.chat.edu.pl
The problem of the article is situated in the field of pedeutology and concerns specific
resources of pedagogical knowledge, generating personal pedagogical theories of students …

Studenckie odpowiedzi na Listy do Młodego Nauczyciela Marii Grzegorzewskiej.

M Krasuska-Betiuk, M Kupiec - Studia z Teorii Wychowania, 2022 - search.ebscohost.com
The subject matter of the article is situated in the problem field of pedeutology and concerns
specific resources of pedagogical knowledge, generating personal pedagogical theories of …

Studenckie odpowiedzi na Listy do Młodego Nauczyciela Marii Grzegorzewskiej

M Kupiec - ceeol.com
The problem of the article is situated in the field of pedeutology and concerns specific
resources of pedagogical knowledge, generating personal pedagogical theories of students …