Designing, developing, and evaluating an interactive e-book based on the predict-observe-explain (POE) method
N Çırakoğlu, SE Toksoy, İ Reisoğlu - Journal of Formative Design in …, 2022 - Springer
Teaching materials can increase efficiency in learning environments. One type of materials
with proven effectiveness is interactive e-books. Interactive e-books based on certain …
with proven effectiveness is interactive e-books. Interactive e-books based on certain …
Turkish students and teachers' views on the context of simulations: The example of solid pressure
S Eryılmaz Toksoy, E Bulut - Education and Information Technologies, 2023 - Springer
Simulations, which are very powerful educational tools on their own, enable concretization
of abstract concepts and help students research the variables related to the subject matter of …
of abstract concepts and help students research the variables related to the subject matter of …
Lembar kerja peserta didik berbasis Livewire untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa SMK
RN Prasetyono, RCS Hariyono - JIPVA (Jurnal Pendidikan IPA …, 2020 -
Keterlibatan siswa dalam pembelajaran yang dapat memberikan pengalaman nyata
khususnya pada materi listrik dinamis masih rendah. Pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada …
khususnya pada materi listrik dinamis masih rendah. Pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada …
Poe Activity Enriched with Augmented Reality: Conceptual Change on Pressure in Liquids
An experiment thought to be simple is included in various textbooks to test the accuracy of
the principle that as the depth of the liquid increases, the pressure it exerts on the surface …
the principle that as the depth of the liquid increases, the pressure it exerts on the surface …
Model Pembelajaran POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) Terhadap Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa SMP Miftahul Khair NW Kabupaten Lombok Tengah
This classroom action research aims to improve students' critical thinking skills through the
application of the POE (predict-observe-explain) learning model. The study was conducted …
application of the POE (predict-observe-explain) learning model. The study was conducted …
Tahmin Et-Gözle-Açıkla (TGA) Materyalleri ve Lise Öğrencilerinin Kimya Dersine Yönelik Tutumları
F Alkan, S Özsoy, AS Yücel - Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim …, 2021 -
Bu araştırmanın amacı tahmin et-gözle-açıkla (TGA) yöntemine göre hazırlanmış materyaller
ile öğretimin lise 10. sınıf öğrencilerinin kimya dersine yönelik tutumları üzerine etkisini …
ile öğretimin lise 10. sınıf öğrencilerinin kimya dersine yönelik tutumları üzerine etkisini …
[引用][C] Efektifitas Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Predict Observe Explain untuk Melatih Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa SMA dengan Metode Library Research
YN Qomariah, ZAI Supardi - PENDIPA Journal of Science Education, 2022
[PDF][PDF] Tahmin Et-Gözle-Açıkla (TGA) Materyalleri ve Lise Öğrencilerinin Kimya Dersine Yönelik Tutumları.
S ÖZSOY, F ALKAN, AS YÜCEL - Buca Faculty of Education …, 2021 -
Bu araştırmanın amacı tahmin et-gözle-açıkla (TGA) yöntemine göre hazırlanmış materyaller
ile öğretimin lise 10. sınıf öğrencilerinin kimya dersine yönelik tutumları üzerine etkisini …
ile öğretimin lise 10. sınıf öğrencilerinin kimya dersine yönelik tutumları üzerine etkisini …