[图书][B] The return of inequality: Social change and the weight of the past

M Savage - 2021 - books.google.com
A pioneering book that takes us beyond economic debate to show how inequality is
returning us to a past dominated by empires, dynastic elites, and ethnic divisions. The …

Digitale Medien, Partizipation und Ungleichheit

S Rudolph - Eine Studie zum sozialen Gebrauch des Internets …, 2019 - Springer
Die hier von Steffen Rudolph vorgelegte soziologische Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit
der Bedeutung sozioökonomischer und-demografischer Ungleichheiten für die …

Structure and historicity of cultural tastes. Uses of multiple correspondence analysis and sociological theory on age: The case of music and movies

H Glevarec, P Cibois - Cultural Sociology, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
The sociology of cultural tastes and practices seeks, on the one hand, to show how tastes
and practices are structured, and on the other hand, to explain them. For this purpose …

The structure of food taste in 21st century Britain

W Atkinson - The British Journal of Sociology, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
This paper draws on the concepts and tools of Pierre Bourdieu to construct a comprehensive
model of the contemporary British “food space.” It uses multiple correspondence analysis to …

[HTML][HTML] Classe social e alimentação: padrões de consumo alimentar no Brasil contemporâneo

E Bertoncelo - Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
Este trabalho tem como objeto a estratificação social do consumo alimentar. Nele, pretende-
se investigar a possível homologia entre as práticas no campo da alimentação, de um lado …

Changing eating practices after midlife: Ageing and food consumption in the French Gazel cohort

M Plessz, S Gojard, M Zins - Consumption …, 2022 - bristoluniversitypressdigital.com
Understanding not only differences in consumption but differences in how consumption
changes presents a theoretical and empirical challenge. In this article, we draw on theories …

Politics and the Professions in a Time of Crisis

C Spence, G Voulgaris… - Journal of Professions and …, 2017 - academic.oup.com
Class analysis has undergone a 'cultural turn'in recent years, driven most notably by the
growing influence of the work of Pierre Bourdieu. We seek to connect this perspective with …

[图书][B] Die Rückkehr der Ungleichheit: Sozialer Wandel und die Lasten der Vergangenheit

M Savage - 2023 - books.google.com
Immer mehr Vermögen liegt in immer weniger Händen. Oder anders gesagt: Die Reichen
haben sich vom Rest der Gesellschaft entfernt, und die Superreichen haben sich von den …

[HTML][HTML] L'«espace social» selon P. Bourdieu

H Glevarec - L'Année sociologique, 2021 - cairn.info
Au cœur de la théorie sociologique de P. Bourdieu se trouve la notion d'«espace social»,
qui s' incarne dans une figuration du livre La Distinction intitulée «L'espace des positions …

Des classes sociales aux inégalités. Le regard sociologique s' est-il déplacé?

S Paugam, M Plessz - Revue européenne des sciences …, 2019 - journals.openedition.org
Alors que la sociologie des classes sociales était hégémonique dans les années 1960 et
1970, elle semble aujourd'hui écrasée par la sociologie des inégalités. D'aucuns ont postulé …