Race, crime and the pool of surplus criminality: or why the war on drugs was a war on blacks
KB Nunn - J. Gender Race & Just., 2002 - HeinOnline
The War on Drugs I has had a devastating effect on African American communities
nationwide. Throughout the drug war, African Americans have been disproportionately …
nationwide. Throughout the drug war, African Americans have been disproportionately …
Examining the influence of drivers' characteristics during traffic stops with police: Results from a national survey
RS Engel, JM Calnon - Justice Quarterly, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
The factors that influence officer decision making after a traffic stop is initiated are examined
using the Police-Public Contact Survey data collected in 1999. This investigation of police …
using the Police-Public Contact Survey data collected in 1999. This investigation of police …
Against bipolar black masculinity: Intersectionality, assimilation, identity performance, and hierarchy
FR Cooper - Uc DaviS l. rev., 2005 - HeinOnline
When I2 try to convince students that hierarchy3 is not inevitable, I often face resistance."
Isn't it true," they say," that if we raised children on the moon they'd still find a way to separate …
Isn't it true," they say," that if we raised children on the moon they'd still find a way to separate …
Who's the Man-Masculinties Studies, Terry Stops, and Police Training
FR Cooper - ColUM. J. genDer & l., 2008 - HeinOnline
We men have some strange rituals.'One occurs on the basketball court. A player will make a
move around a defender and score a basket. Then he'll shout," who's the man?" He wants …
move around a defender and score a basket. Then he'll shout," who's the man?" He wants …
The rise, development and future directions of critical race theory and related scholarship
AD Mutua - Denv. UL Rev., 2006 - HeinOnline
This essay tells the story of the rise, development and future directions of critical race theory
and related scholarship. 1 In telling the story, I suggest that critical race theory (CRT) rises, in …
and related scholarship. 1 In telling the story, I suggest that critical race theory (CRT) rises, in …
Undocumented criminal procedure
DW Carbado, CI Harris - UCLA L. Rev., 2010 - HeinOnline
The criminalization of immigration violations and the imposition of immigration sanctions for
criminal violations have produced a vexed set of procedural, constitutional, and policy …
criminal violations have produced a vexed set of procedural, constitutional, and policy …
Guns and Drugs
B Levin - Fordham L. Rev., 2015 - HeinOnline
On August 12, 2013, US Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. made an unexpected
announcement: the Department of Justice would cease to pursue mandatory minimum …
announcement: the Department of Justice would cease to pursue mandatory minimum …
Speech and spatial tactics
T Zick - Tex. L. Rev., 2005 - HeinOnline
As the Supreme Court has observed on many occasions," First Amendment freedoms need
breathing space to survive."'This is so in the quite literal sense that the exercise of …
breathing space to survive."'This is so in the quite literal sense that the exercise of …
The Cultural (Re) Turn: The Case for Teaching Culturally Responsive Lawyering
LD Tully - Stan. JCR & CL, 2020 - HeinOnline
"[Ilfy'all, this is how I feel, ify'all think I did it, I know that I didn't do it so why don't youjust give
me a lawyer dog cause this is not what's up." In law school, professors train their students to …
me a lawyer dog cause this is not what's up." In law school, professors train their students to …
Always already suspect: Revising vulnerability theory
FR Cooper - NCL Rev., 2014 - HeinOnline