Method, system and apparatus for assigning and managing IP addresses for wireless clients in wireless local area networks (WLANs)

Z Bajic - US Patent App. 11/171,131, 2007 - Google Patents
Techniques are provided IP address assignment and man agement in a wireless network.
Such a wireless network can comprise a plurality of wireless clients, a registration server, a …

Methods and apparatus for facilitating robust forward handover in long term evolution (LTE) communication systems

A Gupta, DP Malladi - US Patent 9,131,410, 2015 - Google Patents
Method and apparatus for facilitating inter-cell connections, such as during a forward
handover or radio link failure (RLF), are disclosed. A user terminal Such as a UE may store …

Mobility architecture using pre-authentication, pre-configuration and/or virtual soft-handoff

Y Oba, S Baba - US Patent 7,046,647, 2006 - Google Patents
6,094,426 A ck 7/2000 Honkasalo et al.......... 370,331 information effective in candidate IP
subnets to handoff. A 6,832,087 B1 ck 12/2004 Gwon et al................. 455,436 second …

Architecture for seamless enforcement of security policies when roaming across ip subnets in ieee 802.11 wireless networks

R Nagarajan, U Borkar - US Patent App. 11/831,781, 2011 - Google Patents
In a network which includes a first subnet which includes a home wireless switch which
includes at least one first inter face, and a second Subnet which includes a current wireless …

Forward handover under radio link failure

A Damnjanovic - US Patent 8,830,818, 2014 - Google Patents
7, 2007.(57) ABSTRACT (51) Int. Cl. System (s) and method (s) are provided for forward
handover GOIR 3L/08(2006.01) under radio link failure. A configurable criterion for radio link …

Methods and apparatus for facilitating robust forward handover in long term evolution (LTE) communication systems

A Gupta, DP Malladi - US Patent 8,615,241, 2013 - Google Patents
US8615241B2 - Methods and apparatus for facilitating robust forward handover in long
term evolution (LTE) communication systems - Google Patents US8615241B2 - Methods …

Handoff between a wireless local area network and a cellular communication system

N Jain, A Agrawal - US Patent App. 10/973,792, 2005 - Google Patents
Handoff between a wireless LAN and a cellular communication system is provided. A system
is designed to provide nomadic cellular services including voice over IEEE 802.11. An …

Efficient handoffs between cellular and wireless local area networks

G Janevski, H Syed, B Gage - US Patent 7,583,632, 2009 - Google Patents
The present invention facilitates a handoff between cellular and wireless local area networks
(WLANs). To facilitate a WLAN interface with the cellular network, a proxy packet control …

Methods and apparatus for the utilization of multiple uplinks in reverse tunneling

A O'neill, G Tsirtsis, M Impett, V Park - US Patent 7,342,903, 2008 - Google Patents
(54) METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR THE 6,519,254 B1 2/2003 Chuah et al.
UTILIZATION OF MULTIPLE UPLINKS IN 6,816,912 B1* 1 1/2004 Borella et al............... TO9 …

Routing method and system for a wireless network

Y Kang, C Liu - US Patent 8,948,046, 2015 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method and system for selecting a route in a wireless network for the
transmission of a data packet between wire less nodes in said network using a modified link …