A collaborative filtering system combined with users' review mining: application to the recommendation of smartphone apps

BK Jeon, H Ahn - Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems, 2015 - koreascience.kr
Collaborative filtering (CF) algorithm has been popularly used for recommender systems in
both academic and practical applications. A general CF system compares users based on …

Crowdsourcing based scientific issue tracking with topic analysis

M Kim, BB Gupta, S Rho - Applied Soft Computing, 2018 - Elsevier
With the advancement of web technologies, many people are participating in the information
production and distribution process in the Web environment. In addition, many researchers …

User-perspective issue clustering using multi-layered two-mode network analysis

J Kim, N Kim, Y Cho - Journal of Intelligence and Information …, 2014 - koreascience.kr
In this paper, we report what we have observed with regard to user-perspective issue
clustering based on multi-layered two-mode network analysis. This work is significant in the …

A study on the changes in consumer perceptions of the relationship between ethical consumption and consumption value: Focusing on analyzing ethical consumption …

E Shin, AR Koh - Family and Environment Research, 2021 - koreascience.kr
The purpose of this study was to analyze big data to identify the sub-dimensions of ethical
consumption, as well as the consumption value associated with ethical consumption that …

Text mining on internet-news regarding climate change and food

Y Hyun, JS Kim, JW Jeong, S Yun… - Journal of the Korean …, 2015 - koreascience.kr
Despite of correlation between climate changes and food-related information, it is still not
easy for many users to get access to the information with interest. This study investigated …

A multi-dimensional issue clustering from the perspective consumers' interests and R&D

Y Hyun, N Kim, Y Cho - Journal of Information Technology Services, 2015 - koreascience.kr
The volume of unstructured text data generated by various social media has been
increasing rapidly; therefore, use of text mining to support decision making has also been …

Discovery of market convergence opportunity combining text mining and social network analysis: Evidence from large-scale product databases

JE Kim, Y Hyun, YJ Choi - Journal of Intelligence and Information …, 2016 - koreascience.kr
Understanding market convergence has became essential for small and mid-size
enterprises. Identifying convergence items among heterogeneous markets could lead to …

[PDF][PDF] 윤리적소비와소비가치의관계에대한소비자인식변화: 소셜빅데이터를활용한윤리적소비와소비가치의키워드변화분석을중심으로

신은정, 고애란 - Family and Environment Research, 2021 - fer.or.kr
The purpose of this study was to analyze big data to identify the sub-dimensions of ethical
consumption, as well as the consumption value associated with ethical consumption that …

[PDF][PDF] A study on the construction of national R&D data-based customized information curation system

TH Kim, MS Yang, NG Kang… - Indian Journal of Science …, 2015 - researchgate.net
Recently, there have been a lot of studies on contents curation for the purpose of
overcoming the limitations of keywordbased general retrieval services. Contents curation is …

[PDF][PDF] 다계층이원네트워크를활용한사용자관점의이슈클러스터링

김지은, 김남규, 조윤호 - 지능정보연구, 2014 - academia.edu
대부분의 인터넷 쇼핑몰은 자사 고객의 관심 분야를 파악하고 이를 상품 추천에 효과적으로
활용하기 위해 많은 노력을 기울이고 있다. 하지만 고객이 회원 가입 시 직 입력한 개인 정보는 …