New age fracture mapping diagnostic tools-A STACK case study

K Haustveit, K Dahlgren, H Greenwood… - SPE Hydraulic …, 2017 -
The application of learnings from an underground laboratory has led to significant
completion changes in a world-class North American unconventional asset. Understanding …

Evaluation of multi-fractures geometry based on water hammer signals: A new comprehensive model and field application

X Hu, Y Luo, F Zhou, Y Qiu, Z Li, Y Li - Journal of Hydrology, 2022 - Elsevier
Hydraulic fracturing is an important means to develop unconventional resources. Fracture
diagnosis techniques have been emerged in recent years, which can evaluate hydraulic …

A new water hammer decay model: analyzing the interference of multiple fractures and perforations on decay rate

Y Luo, X Hu, F Zhou, Y Qiu, X Lu, J Li, Y Wang - SPE J, 2023 -
Hydraulic fracturing technology is an important technique for developing tight oil and gas
resources. Multicluster fracture diagnosis is significant for hydraulic fracture design and …

Practical applications of water hammer analysis from hydraulic fracturing treatments

N Dung, C David, D Tom, S Jon, R Nico… - SPE Hydraulic …, 2021 -
Water hammer is oscillatory pressure behavior in a wellbore resulting from the inertial effect
of flowing fluid being subjected to an abrupt change in velocity. It is commonly observed at …

Physical-inforced artificial intelligent model for prediction of water-hammar velocity

X Hu, P Yi, Y Luo, F Zhou, T Wang, C Chen - Geoenergy Science and …, 2023 - Elsevier
The water hammer wave diagnostic method is a new promising fracture diagnostic method
that can determine the fracture location underground. The key to this technology is the …

Evaluation of water hammer analysis as diagnostic tool for hydraulic fracturing

X Ma, F Zhou, JA Ortega Andrade, S Gosavi… - SPE/AAPG/SEG …, 2019 -
Hydraulic fracturing has revolutionized shale oil/gas production in the last decades, but
further robust understanding is needed as to what happens during fracture placement. At the …

Sand Production Caused by Water-Hammer Events: Implications for Shut-In Protocols and Design of Water-Injection Wells

H Wang, J Hwang, MM Sharma - SPE Production & Operations, 2019 -
A pressure pulse, known as a water hammer, can occur immediately after water-injection
wells are shut-in for emergency or operational reasons. Large pressure pulses may cause …

Fracture diagnostics using a low-frequency electromagnetic induction method

P Zhang, J Shiriyev, C Torres-Verdín… - ARMA US Rock …, 2016 -
The implementation of a low-frequency electromagnetic induction tool for propped-fracture
detection and diagnostics requires in-depth examination of the reliability and accuracy of the …

Numerical study of an electrode-based resistivity tool for fracture diagnostics in steel-cased wellbores

P Zhang, Y Brick, MM Sharma - Geophysics, 2018 -
The efficiency of a hydraulic fracture treatment depends primarily on the dimensions and
orientation of propped fractures. We have developed a novel electrode-based resistivity tool …

Modeling of low-frequency downhole electrical measurements for mapping proppant distribution in hydraulic fractures in casedhole wells

P Zhang, MK Sen, MM Sharma, J Gabelmann… - SPE Journal, 2018 -
A tool concept using downhole electrical measurements for mapping electrically conductive
proppant in hydraulic fractures is presented in this paper. The method relies on direct …