Framework for automated synthetic image generation for vehicle detection
VB Cecchetti, BJ Souza, RZ Freire - Proceedings of the 2023 6th …, 2023 -
The use of synthetic images has been highlighted within the computer vision field as a more
practical option that helps reduce the time and cost spent on vehicle detection tasks in urban …
practical option that helps reduce the time and cost spent on vehicle detection tasks in urban …
[图书][B] Climate Change Integration in the Multilevel Governance of Italy and Austria: Shaping Subnational Policies in the Transport, Energy, and Spatial Planning …
How can subnational governments best integrate climate change considerations across
policy areas? Which factors contribute to successful integration? With a specific focus on …
policy areas? Which factors contribute to successful integration? With a specific focus on …
Akıllı otopark sistemlerinde kullanılan araç tanıma teknolojileri üzerine bir inceleme
B Doğaroğlu, S pelin Çalışkanelli - Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemleri ve …, 2022 -
Günümüz şehir planlama ve yönetimi için trafik talebindeki artışın paralelinde otopark
talebindeki artış acil çözüm bekleyen sorunlar arasında yer almaktadır. Özellikle otopark …
talebindeki artış acil çözüm bekleyen sorunlar arasında yer almaktadır. Özellikle otopark …
[PDF][PDF] Smart parking solutions for occupancy sensing
LD Rodic -
Intense technological development nowadays is reshaping many areas of everyday life and
impacting human behaviour. The Internet of Things (IoT) vision of ubiquitous and pervasive …
impacting human behaviour. The Internet of Things (IoT) vision of ubiquitous and pervasive …
Sistem Informasi Daya Tampung Area Parkir Pada Pusat Perbelanjaan Untuk Meningkatkan Layanan Penggunaan Parkir (Studi Kasus: Lombok Epicentrum Mall)
SE Anjarwani, HI Illina, N Agitha - Journal of Computer …, 2022 -
Abstract Capacity Information System Parking Area at the Shopping Center aims to facilitate
customers who come to the shopping center. Regarding the increasing information needs …
customers who come to the shopping center. Regarding the increasing information needs …
RFID Cartesian Smart Parking Lot System
In recent years, smart products in different fields that have come to the market continue to
exist and increase. Smart products, which we hear about in every sector, allow us to make …
exist and increase. Smart products, which we hear about in every sector, allow us to make …
Pysäköinnin mobiilisovellukset kaupunkien moottoriajoneuvopysäköinnissä
N Mikkonen - 2022 -
Pysäköinnin mobiilisovellukset eli pysäköintisovellukset ovat yleistyneet lähivuosina
kaupunkipysäköinnissä Suomessa ja muualla maailmalla. Näihin sovelluksiin liittyvää …
kaupunkipysäköinnissä Suomessa ja muualla maailmalla. Näihin sovelluksiin liittyvää …
Studies in Territorial and Cultural Diversity Governance
F Palermo, J Marko - (No Title), 2016 -
The book describes and analyses how environmental issues are regulated in several
federal, regional and unitary systems and in the European Union. The comparative analysis …
federal, regional and unitary systems and in the European Union. The comparative analysis …