Design and implementation of wideband microwave amplifiers based on Normalized Gain Function
In this work, we introduce the design and implementation of wideband microwave amplifiers
based on “Normalized Gain Function (NGF)” method. Normalized Gain Function is defined …
based on “Normalized Gain Function (NGF)” method. Normalized Gain Function is defined …
Unit element bandpass filter design via simplified real frequency technique for UWB microstrip patch antenna
Design of a UWB (Ultra Wideband) microstrip patch antenna to operate in the first channel of
the UWB standard and a bandpass (BP) UE (Unit Element) microstrip filter (BPUEF) for this …
the UWB standard and a bandpass (BP) UE (Unit Element) microstrip filter (BPUEF) for this …
2W wideband microwave PA design for 824-2170 MHz band using Normalized Gain Function method
In this work, we present the design of a 2W linear wideband microwave PA (power amplifier)
targeted to operate in 824-2170 MHz mobile frequency range covering GSM850, EGSM …
targeted to operate in 824-2170 MHz mobile frequency range covering GSM850, EGSM …
On numerical design technique of wideband microwave amplifiers based on GaN small-signal device model
R Köprü, H Kuntman, BS Yarman - Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal …, 2014 - Springer
This work presents an application of Normalized Gain Function (NGF) method to the design
of linear wideband microwave amplifiers based on small-signal model of a device. NGF has …
of linear wideband microwave amplifiers based on small-signal model of a device. NGF has …
[PDF][PDF] Bir Genişbandlı Mikrodalga Güç Yükseltecinin doğrusal Olmayan Eleman Modeli Kullanılarak Tasarlanması
S Kılınç - 2012 -
Bu tez çalışmasının her adımında sağladığı destek ve olanaklar sebebiyle, değerli hocam ve
danışmanım Sayın Prof. Dr. Sıddık YARMAN'a ve yine destek ve yardımlarını esirgemeyen …
danışmanım Sayın Prof. Dr. Sıddık YARMAN'a ve yine destek ve yardımlarını esirgemeyen …
Ultra wideband matching network design for a V-shaped square planar monopole antenna
In this paper, design, manufacture, and measurement of a wideband matching network for a
broadband V-shaped square planar monopole antenna (V-SPMA) is presented. Matching …
broadband V-shaped square planar monopole antenna (V-SPMA) is presented. Matching …
[HTML][HTML] Mikrodalga Devreleri İçın Yüksek Başarımlı Ayarlanabilir Aktif Endüktörler
HG Momen -
Özet RF uygulamalarında enduktif karakteristiğe önemli ölçüde ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır;
bunlar, özellikle filtreler, düşük gürültülü yükselteçler (LNA, low noise amplifiers), gerilim …
bunlar, özellikle filtreler, düşük gürültülü yükselteçler (LNA, low noise amplifiers), gerilim …
[PDF][PDF] Ramazan Köprü, Hakan Kuntman &
BS Yarman -
This work presents an application of Normalized Gain Function (NGF) method to the design
of linear wideband microwave amplifiers based on small-signal model of a device. NGF has …
of linear wideband microwave amplifiers based on small-signal model of a device. NGF has …
Mankind has always been inspired from the nature for meeting their needs and finding new
solutions to their problems. Since transportation is one of the biggest necessity for humans …
solutions to their problems. Since transportation is one of the biggest necessity for humans …
[引用][C] High performance tunable active inductors for microwave circuits
H Ghasemzadeh Momen - Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü