A Pólya urn document language model for improved information retrieval

R Cummins, JH Paik, Y Lv - ACM Transactions on Information Systems …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
The multinomial language model has been one of the most effective models of retrieval for
more than a decade. However, the multinomial distribution does not model one important …

Burst-aware data fusion for microblog search

S Liang, M de Rijke - Information Processing & Management, 2015 - Elsevier
We consider the problem of searching posts in microblog environments. We frame this
microblog post search problem as a late data fusion problem. Previous work on data fusion …

Barbara made the news: Mining the behavior of crowds for time-aware learning to rank

F Martins, J Magalhães, J Callan - … Conference on Web Search and Data …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
In Twitter, and other microblogging services, the generation of new content by the crowd is
often biased towards immediacy: what is happening now. Prompted by the propagation of …

Hybrid deep neural network-based text representation model to improve microblog retrieval

IB Ltaifa, L Hlaoua, LB Romdhane - Cybernetics and Systems, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Retrieving relevant information from Twitter is always a challenging task given its vocabulary
mismatch, sheer volume and noise. Representing the content of text tweets is a critical part …

Utilizing word embeddings for result diversification in tweet search

KD Onal, IS Altingovde, P Karagoz - … , QLD, Australia, December 2-4, 2015 …, 2015 - Springer
The performance of result diversification for tweet search suffers from the well-known
vocabulary mismatch problem, as tweets are too short and usually informal. As a remedy, we …

Microblog retrieval using ensemble of feature sets through supervised feature selection

AN Chy, MZ Ullah, M Aono - IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information …, 2017 - search.ieice.org
Microblog, especially twitter, has become an integral part of our daily life for searching latest
news and events information. Due to the short length characteristics of tweets and frequent …

On microblog dimensionality and informativeness: Exploiting microblogs' structure and dimensions for ad-hoc retrieval

JA Rodriguez Perez, JM Jose - … of the 2015 International Conference on …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
In recent years, microblog services such as Twitter have gained increasing popularity,
leading to active research on how to effectively exploit its content. Microblog documents …

Microblog retrieval challenges and opportunities

JA Rodriguez Perez - 2018 - theses.gla.ac.uk
In recent years microblogging services have changed the way we communicate. Microblogs
are a reduced version of web-blogs which are characterised by being just a few characters …

1 Information retrieval in social networks

L Guo - degruyter.com
IR is a process of retrieving information (generally documents), which satisfies users' need
for information, from massive unstructured datasets (generally texts that are mostly stored in …

[PDF][PDF] A Time-Aware Approach to Improving Ad-hoc Information Retrieval from Microblogs

Z Amin Nayeri - 2014 - yorkspace.library.yorku.ca
There is an immense number of short-text documents produced as the result of
microblogging. The content produced is growing as the number of microbloggers grows, and …