On hybrids and hybrid organizing: A review and roadmap for future research

J Battilana, M Besharov, B Mitzinneck - The SAGE handbook of …, 2017 - torrossa.com
Hybrid organizations present a puzzle for institutional theory. Because they combine distinct
institutional logics (Battilana & Dorado, 2010; Pache & Santos, 2013b), identities (Albert & …

Pathways of institutional change: An integrative review and research agenda

E Micelotta, M Lounsbury… - Journal of …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
The study of institutional change is a core research area in organization theory and is of
increasing relevance for scholarship in other disciplines. In this article, we review the …

Bowing before dual gods: How structured flexibility sustains organizational hybridity

WK Smith, ML Besharov - Administrative Science Quarterly, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
Organizations increasingly grapple with hybridity—the combination of identities, forms,
logics, or other core elements that would conventionally not go together. Drawing on in …

Unpacking the institutional complexity in adoption of CSR practices in multinational enterprises

V Marano, T Kostova - Journal of Management Studies, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Multinational enterprises (MNEs) operate in complex transnational organizational fields with
multiple, diverse, and possibly conflicting institutional forces. This paper examines how such …

Reinsurance trading in Lloyd's of London: Balancing conflicting-yet-complementary logics in practice

M Smets, P Jarzabkowski, GT Burke… - … of management journal, 2015 - journals.aom.org
Drawing on a yearlong ethnographic study of reinsurance trading in Lloyd's of London, this
paper makes three contributions to current discussions of institutional complexity. First, we …

Cracking the organizational challenge of pursuing joint social and financial goals: Social enterprise as a laboratory to understand hybrid organizing

J Battilana - M@ n@ gement, 2018 - cairn.info
While in recent decades the social and business sectors have evolved on fairly separate
tracks, today companies are increasingly expected to generate social value in addition to …

Beyond constraining and enabling: Toward new microfoundations for institutional theory

I Cardinale - Academy of Management Review, 2018 - journals.aom.org
In this article I argue that the quest to establish microfoundations for institutional theory is
hindered by two assumptions on which it currently rests: that structure simply constrains and …

Strategies of legitimacy through social media: The networked strategy

I Castelló, M Etter, F Årup Nielsen - Journal of management …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
How can corporations develop legitimacy when coping with stakeholders who have multiple,
often conflicting sustainable development (SD) agendas? We address this question by …

Towards a practice-driven institutionalism

M Smets, A Aristidou, R Whittington - The Sage handbook of …, 2017 - torrossa.com
Recent years have seen an increasing mutual engagement between institutional and
strategy-as-practice scholars who realize that they can learn from each other to address …

Deconstructing complexity: Configurations of institutional complexity and structural hybridity

M Raynard - Strategic Organization, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
This article unpacks the notion of institutional complexity and highlights the distinct sets of
challenges confronting hybrid structural arrangements. The framework identifies three …