Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis Siswa Ditinjau Dari Self Confidence Pada Materi Pecahan Di Kelas V SDN JATIRASA III Kota Bekasi
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis siswa
ditinjau dari self confidence pada materi pecahan di kelas V SDN JATIRASA III. Metode …
ditinjau dari self confidence pada materi pecahan di kelas V SDN JATIRASA III. Metode …
Analysis of Mid-semester Assessment in Cultivating Critical Thinking of Elementary School Students
M Rahmawati, YM Hidayati - International Conference on …, 2023 -
Critical thinking skills can provide the right direction for thinking, working and assisting
students in determining the proper steps in solving problems. The elementary school level …
students in determining the proper steps in solving problems. The elementary school level …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of Prospective Mathematics Teachers' Critical Thinking Disposition Based on Self-Confidence
The disposition of critical thinking plays an important role for teachers, particularly in
responding to mathematical problems. However, several studies have shown that the …
responding to mathematical problems. However, several studies have shown that the …