[HTML][HTML] Modelling and simulation of pressure controlled mechanical ventilation system

NQ Al-Naggar - Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 2015 - scirp.org
A mathematical model of mechanical ventilator describes its behavior during artificial
ventilation. This paper purposes to create and simulate Mathematical Model (MM) of …

[HTML][HTML] Controlled mechanical ventilation for enhanced measurement in pressure and flow sensors

T Anitha, G Gopu - Measurement: Sensors, 2021 - Elsevier
The safe use of a mechanical ventilator should be followed by the fascination of intensivists
with different respiratory function parameters. Naturally, this leads to the fact that these …

[PDF][PDF] Prediction of Pneumonic Oxygenation in a PID-embedded Electro-pneumatic Pressure-Controlled Ventilator Device

O Ige, A Adetunla, S Amudipe - researchgate.net
Respiratory-type infections of pandemic scale have shown the critical need for suitable
ventilator-type for hospitalized patients. While volume and pressure control ventilators are …

Simulação e controle de um sistema de ventilação mecânica

GA Ludwig Fonseca - 2022 - repositorio.ufsc.br
Com o advento da pandemia da Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave (SARS-CoV-2), foi
identificada a extensa necessidade de equipamentos para o suporte ventilatório. Contudo …

Desenvolvimento de um protótipo físico para a simulação do sistema respiratório humano

CMR Meireles - 2013 - search.proquest.com
O Sistema Respiratório pode ser definido como um conjunto de órgãos e estruturas
anatómicas que trabalham de forma coordenada possibilitando a respiração pulmonar, ou …

Modeling and Simulation of Physical Parameters of Human Respiratory System

C Meireles, J Machado, CP Leão - Applied Mechanics and …, 2014 - Trans Tech Publ
The respiratory system, due to its non-linear behaviour, is of difficult representation through
fixed physical components and common control systems. Therefore, mathematical …