Lava squeeze-ups and volcanic resurfacing: A review
Squeeze-ups are common features of basaltic lava flow-fields on Earth. Squeeze-ups,
rootless autointrusions of lava, drive intraflow resurfacing of active flow-fields, and the term is …
rootless autointrusions of lava, drive intraflow resurfacing of active flow-fields, and the term is …
Morphological transitions between lobate resurfacing and distal breakout lava flows in flood basalts: insights from analog experiments
Continental flood basalts (CFBs) are dominated by two characteristic lava morphologies.
The first type, referred to as 'compound'or 'hummocky pāhoehoe,'exhibits pillow-like lava …
The first type, referred to as 'compound'or 'hummocky pāhoehoe,'exhibits pillow-like lava …
The Crystallization of Continental Flood Basalt Lavas: Insights from Textural Studies
Continental flood basalt (CFB) provinces are products of the largest known volumetric
eruptions on Earth (~ 104 km3), with individual flow fields commonly covering well over 10 …
eruptions on Earth (~ 104 km3), with individual flow fields commonly covering well over 10 …
[HTML][HTML] The impacts of lulls and peaks in effusion rate on lava flow propagation
Variable effusion rates have been observed during the eruption and emplacement of lava
flows which can complicate lava flow predictability. Conventional wisdom suggests that …
flows which can complicate lava flow predictability. Conventional wisdom suggests that …
A model volcanic fissure with adjustable geometry and wall temperature
Fissure eruptions initiate with magma ascending and spreading through cracks in the
ground that can extend for kilometres at the surface. Eruptions eventually localise to form …
ground that can extend for kilometres at the surface. Eruptions eventually localise to form …