Biogenesis and secretion of micronemes in Toxoplasma gondii

DJ Dubois, D Soldati‐Favre - Cellular Microbiology, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
One of the hallmarks of the parasitic phylum of Apicomplexa is the presence of highly
specialised, apical secretory organelles, called the micronemes and rhoptries that play …

Evolution, composition, assembly, and function of the conoid in Apicomplexa

NDS Pacheco, N Tosetti, L Koreny, RF Waller… - Trends in …, 2020 -
The phylum Apicomplexa has been defined by the presence of the apical complex, a
structure composed of secretory organelles and specific cytoskeletal elements. A …

Analysis of CDPK1 targets identifies a trafficking adaptor complex that regulates microneme exocytosis in Toxoplasma

AW Chan, M Broncel, E Yifrach, NR Haseley… - Elife, 2023 -
Apicomplexan parasites use Ca 2+-regulated exocytosis to secrete essential virulence
factors from specialized organelles called micronemes. Ca 2+-dependent protein kinases …

Targeting Toxoplasma tubules: tubulin, microtubules, and associated proteins in a human pathogen

N Morrissette - Eukaryotic cell, 2015 - Am Soc Microbiol
Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite that causes serious opportunistic
infections, birth defects, and blindness in humans. Microtubules are critically important …

Metabolic plasticity, essentiality and therapeutic potential of ribose-5-phosphate synthesis in Toxoplasma gondii

X Guo, N Ji, Q Guo, M Wang, H Du, J Pan… - Nature …, 2024 -
Abstract Ribose-5-phosphate (R5P) is a precursor for nucleic acid biogenesis; however, the
importance and homeostasis of R5P in the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii remain …

The roles of Centrin 2 and Dynein Light Chain 8a in apical secretory organelles discharge of Toxoplasma gondii

G Lentini, DJ Dubois, B Maco, D Soldati‐Favre… - Traffic, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
To efficiently enter host cells, apicomplexan parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii rely on an
apical complex composed of tubulin‐based structures as well as two sets of secretory …

Proteomic characterization of the subpellicular cytoskeleton of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites

CTG de León, RDD Martín, GM Hernández… - Journal of …, 2014 - Elsevier
Toxoplasma, the causative agent of toxoplasmosis in animals and humans, has a
subpellicular cytoskeleton that is involved in motility, cell shape and invasion. Knowledge of …

Phosphatidylinositol synthesis, its selective salvage, and inter-regulation of anionic phospholipids in Toxoplasma gondii

B Ren, P Kong, F Hedar, JF Brouwers… - Communications …, 2020 -
Phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) serves as an integral component of eukaryotic membranes;
however, its biosynthesis in apicomplexan parasites remains poorly understood. Here we …

Toxoplasma gondii HOOK-FTS-HIP Complex is Critical for Secretory Organelle Discharge during Motility, Invasion, and Egress

DJ Dubois, S Chehade, JB Marq, K Venugopal, B Maco… - Mbio, 2023 - Am Soc Microbiol
Members of the Apicomplexa phylum possess specialized secretory organelles that
discharge, apically and in a timely regulated manner, key factors implicated in parasite …

Characterization of Cystoisospora suis sexual stages in vitro

AS Feix, T Cruz-Bustos, B Ruttkowski, A Joachim - Parasites & vectors, 2020 - Springer
Abstract Background The porcine coccidium Cystoisospora suis is characterized by a
complex life-cycle during which asexual multiplication is followed by sexual development …