Bayesian estimation of the spatially varying completeness magnitude of earthquake catalogs

A Mignan, MJ Werner, S Wiemer… - Bulletin of the …, 2011 -
Assessing the completeness magnitude M c of earthquake catalogs is an essential
prerequisite for any seismicity analysis. We employ a simple model to compute M c in space …

Seismic monitoring and analysis of deep geothermal projects in St Gallen and Basel, Switzerland

B Edwards, T Kraft, C Cauzzi, P Kästli… - Geophysical Journal …, 2015 -
Monitoring and understanding induced seismicity is critical in order to estimate and mitigate
seismic risk related to numerous existing and emerging techniques for natural resource …

Completeness of the Mainland China earthquake catalog and implications for the setup of the China Earthquake Forecast Testing Center

A Mignan, C Jiang, JD Zechar… - Bulletin of the …, 2013 -
We describe the setup of testing regions for the China Earthquake Forecast Testing Center
and provide preliminary forecast results in the scope of the Collaboratory for the Study of …

[PDF][PDF] 新疆地区地震目录最小完整性震级和台网科学布局研究

李志海, 蒋长胜, 黄瑜, 王宝柱 - 地震学报, 2011 -
摘要地震目录的最小完整性震级犕c 是地震学中最基础, 最重要的研究内容之一,
也是地震观测台网效能评估的关键. 本文对构造活动剧烈, 地震活动水平高, 台站地理分布复杂的 …

[PDF][PDF] 基于概率完备震级评估首都圈地震台网检测能力

李智超, 黄清华 - 地球物理学报, 2014 -
摘要完备震级是评估区域地震台网检测能力的一个定量指标, 本文采用能反映区域地震台网检测
能力的时空分布细节特征的概率完备震级分析方法, 对首都圈地震台网的检测能力进行了研究 …


刘芳, 蒋长胜, 张帆, 杨彦明, 梁莹, 王磊, 苗春兰 - 地震学报, 2014 -
国际上新近发展的“基于概率的完整性震级”(PMC) 方法, 具有可考察地震定位中由于台站人为
选择等造成的台网监测能力下降, 以及避免传统基于GR 关系的统计算法因地震数目过少而无法 …

Optimization of a large-scale microseismic monitoring network in northern Switzerland

T Kraft, A Mignan, D Giardini - Geophysical Journal International, 2013 -
We have developed a network optimization method for regional-scale microseismic
monitoring networks and applied it to optimize the densification of the existing seismic …

Earthquake early warning and operational earthquake forecasting as real-time hazard information to mitigate seismic risk at nuclear facilities

C Cauzzi, Y Behr, T Le Guenan, J Douglas… - Bulletin of Earthquake …, 2016 - Springer
Based on our experience in the project REAKT, we present a methodological framework to
evaluate the potential benefits and costs of using earthquake early warning (EEW) and …

A new empirical magnitude scaling relation for Switzerland

BP Goertz-Allmann, B Edwards… - Bulletin of the …, 2011 -
We estimate moment magnitudes M w for earthquakes in Switzerland recorded between
1998 and 2009 using three different spectral methods. The M w estimation in Switzerland is …

New insights into the Rhône–Simplon fault system (Swiss Alps) from a consistent earthquake catalogue covering 35 yr

T Lee, T Diehl, E Kissling… - Geophysical Journal …, 2023 -
Seismotectonic interpretations in regions characterized by low to moderate seismicity
require consistent earthquake catalogues covering periods of several decades. Inevitable …