Selection for whom? Upper secondary school choice in the light of social justice

E Eiríksdóttir, KS Blöndal, G Ragnarsdóttir - Governance and choice of …, 2022 - Springer
The education policy in Iceland emphasises inclusive and comprehensive education for all,
and upper secondary schooling is open to all students throughout their lifetime. However …

The intricacies of educational development in Iceland: Stability or disruption?

JT Jónasson, G Ragnarsdóttir… - What works in Nordic …, 2021 - Springer
The chapter will explore the development of the Icelandic education system by using a
twofold historical perspective. More specifically, the analysis will look at the very long-term …

School leaders' actions and hybridity when carrying out reform and confronting teachers' responses: Institutional and organisational perspectives

G Ragnarsdóttir - Education Inquiry, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
In 2008, Iceland launched policy reform in upper secondary education. This paper
elucidates how upper secondary school leaders acted when leading reform and confronting …

Kvika menntabreytinga: Viðbrögð framhaldsskólans við kröfum menntayfirvalda um breytingar

G Ragnarsdóttir - Netla, 2018 -
Niðurstöður rannsókna á erlendum vettvangi sýna flókið samspil ytri og innri afla sem hafa
áhrif á menntabreytingar. Markmið þessarar greinar er að fjalla um kviku menntabreytinga í …

Cascading effect of upper secondary education policy reform: the experiences and perspectives of university teachers

M Jónasdóttir, G Ragnarsdóttir, E Eiríksdóttir - Education Inquiry, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
In 2014 the Icelandic government implemented a reform that reduced the time of all
academic programs of upper secondary education from an average of four years in duration …

Pedagogic practices in a deregulated upper secondary school: Students' attempts to influence their teaching

VS Bjarnadóttir, E Öhrn… - European Educational …, 2019 -
This article explores strategies, targets, and responses to young people's attempts to
influence pedagogic practices, and the variations between different programmes in a …

The working conditions of Icelandic upper secondary school teachers during the first year of the COVID‐19 pandemic: A gender inequality against all odds

SM Gestsdóttir, G Ragnarsdóttir… - Review of …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
In Iceland, and around the world, the working environment in upper secondary schools
changed dramatically with the onset of the COVID‐19 pandemic. In our research, we aimed …

Stofnunareðli framhaldsskóla í faraldurskreppu: Ný reynsla og breytt umboð skólastjórnenda

G Ragnarsdóttir, JT Jónasson - 2022 -
Á vormánuðum 2020 hóf COVID-19 innreið sína. Í kjölfarið var öll staðbundin kennsla í
framhaldsskólum færð í fjarkennslu út vorönnina og um haustið breyttist fyrirkomulag …

Building bridges and constructing walls: Subject hierarchies as reflected in teachers' perspectives towards student influence

VS Bjarnadóttir - 2018 -
The aim of this study is to explore how teachers from various academic subjects and
programmes describe their pedagogic practice, particularly regarding students' opportunities …

Human Rights Education in Iceland: Learning about transformative pedagogies from upper secondary school teachers' stories

SE Gollifer - 2021 -
Daily, we witness human rights violations linked to poverty, forced migration, discrimination
and right-wing xenophobia, perpetuating positions of subordination and marginalisation …