Interpreting graph colorability in finite semigroups

M Jackson, R McKenzie - International Journal of Algebra and …, 2006 - World Scientific
We show that a number of natural membership problems for classes associated with finite
semigroups are computationally difficult. In particular, we construct a 55-element semigroup …

Structure identification of Boolean relations and plain bases for co-clones

N Creignou, P Kolaitis, B Zanuttini - Journal of Computer and System …, 2008 - Elsevier
We give a quadratic algorithm for the following structure identification problem: given a
Boolean relation R and a finite set S of Boolean relations, can the relation R be expressed …

Semigroups embeddable in hyperplane face monoids

S Margolis, F Saliola, B Steinberg - Semigroup Forum, 2014 - Springer
The left regular band structure on a hyperplane arrangement and its representation theory
provide an important connection between semigroup theory and algebraic combinatorics. A …

Admissibility in finitely generated quasivarieties

G Metcalfe, C Röthlisberger - Logical Methods in Computer …, 2013 -
Checking the admissibility of quasiequations in a finitely generated (ie, generated by a finite
set of finite algebras) quasivariety Q amounts to checking validity in a suitable finite free …

Flat algebras and the translation of universal Horn logic to equational logic

M Jackson - The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2008 -
We describe which subdirectly irreducible flat algebras arise in the variety generated by an
arbitrary class of flat algebras with absorbing bottom element. This is used to give an …

A finite set of functions with an EXPTIME-complete composition problem

M Kozik - Theoretical Computer Science, 2008 - Elsevier
Theoretical Computer Science A finite set of functions with an EXPTIME-complete composition
problem Page 1 Theoretical Computer Science 407 (2008) 330–341 Contents lists available at …

Complexity of the identity checking problem for finite semigroups

J Almeida, MV Volkov, SV Goldberg - 2009 -
Complexity of the Identity Checking Problem for Finite Semigroups Page 1 Journal of
Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 158, No. 5, 2009 COMPLEXITY OF THE IDENTITY CHECKING …

Complexity of semigroup identity checking

A Kisielewicz - International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 2004 - World Scientific
We consider the problem, whose instance is a finite semigroup S and an identity I, and the
question is whether I is satisfied in S. We show that the question concerning computational …

Equational complexity of the finite algebra membership problem

GF McNulty, Z Székely, R Willard - International Journal of Algebra …, 2008 - World Scientific
We associate to each variety of algebras of finite signature a function on the positive integers
called the equational complexity of the variety. This function is a measure of how much of the …

Variety membership problem for two classes of non-finitely based semigroups

EWH Lee - Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2018 - Springer
The variety membership problem for two classes of non-finitely based semigroups is
considered. It is shown that a finite semigroup S belongs to the variety generated by one of …