Global trends in income inequality and income dynamics: New insights from GRID

F Guvenen, L Pistaferri, GL Violante - Quantitative Economics, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The Global Repository of Income Dynamics (GRID) is a new open‐access, cross‐country
database that contains a wide range of micro statistics on income inequality, dynamics, and …

Inequality and income dynamics in Germany

M Drechsel‐Grau, A Peichl, KD Schmid… - Quantitative …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
We provide a comprehensive analysis of income inequality and income dynamics for
Germany over the last two decades. Combining personal income tax and social security …

Inequality and earnings dynamics in France: National policies and local consequences

F Kramarz, E Nimier‐David… - Quantitative …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
This paper provides new stylized facts about labor earnings inequality and dynamics in
France for the period 1991–2016. Using linked employer–employee data, we show that (i) …

The increase in earnings inequality and volatility in Italy: the role and persistence of atypical contracts

D Depalo, S Lattanzio - Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, 2023 -
This paper investigates earnings inequality in Italy between 1990 and 2021 using
administrative matched employer-employee data from the Italian Social Security Institute …

Occupational choice and the intergenerational mobility of welfare

C Boar, D Lashkari - 2021 -
Based on responses in the General Social Survey, we construct an index that captures
nonmonetary qualities of occupations, such as respect, learning, and work hazards, relevant …

Inequality and dynamics of earnings and disposable income in Denmark 1987–2016

S Leth‐Petersen, J Sæverud - Quantitative Economics, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
We document facts about earnings and disposable income inequality and growth in
Denmark in the period 1987–2016. During this period, the distribution of log earnings growth …

Consumption dynamics and welfare under non-gaussian earnings risk

F Guvenen, S Ozkan, R Madera - 2024 -
Recent empirical studies document that the distribution of earnings changes displays
substantial deviations from lognormality: in particular, earnings changes are negatively …

A parsimonious model of idiosyncratic income

E Crawley, M Holm, H Tretvoll - 2022 -
The standard model of permanent and transitory income is known to be misspecified.
Estimates of income volatility in the model differ depending on the type of data moments …

Does a wealth tax improve equality of opportunity?

K Berg, S Hebous - 2021 -
Does parental wealth inequality impact next generation labor income inequality? And does
a tax on parental wealth affect the labor income distribution of the next generation? We …

Intergenerational earnings mobility in Chile: the tale of the upper tail

J Cortés Orihuela, JD Díaz, P Gutiérrez Cubillos… - Empirical …, 2024 - Springer
This paper provides the first estimates of intergenerational earnings mobility in Chile using
administrative data linking parents' and children's earnings from the formal private sector …