Consumption insurance: An evaluation of risk-bearing systems in low-income economies

RM Townsend - Journal of Economic perspectives, 1995 -
The hypothesis of full risk sharing can be taken to data from low-income countries and
evaluate formal and informal financial systems. In many contexts, idiosyncratic risks are …

Dynamic financial constraints: Distinguishing mechanism design from exogenously incomplete regimes

A Karaivanov, RM Townsend - Econometrica, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
We formulate and solve a range of dynamic models of constrained credit/insurance that
allow for moral hazard and limited commitment. We compare them to full insurance and …

General equilibrium models of financial systems: Theory and measurement in village economies

Y Lim, RM Townsend - Review of Economic dynamics, 1998 - Elsevier
The transactions and production files are used to create measures of the use of currency
and crop inventory as well as changes in real capital assets, livestock, and net indebtedness …

Intertemporal choice and consumption mobility

T Jappelli, L Pistaferri - Journal of the European Economic …, 2006 -
The theory of intertemporal consumption choice makes sharp predictions about the
evolution of the entire distribution of household consumption, not just about its conditional …

Inferring labor income risk from economic choices: An indirect inference approach

F Guvenen, A Smith - 2010 -
This paper uses the information contained in the joint dynamics of households' labor
earnings and consumption-choice decisions to quantify the nature and amount of income …

Repeated moral hazard with effort persistence

A Jarque - Journal of Economic Theory, 2010 - Elsevier
I study a problem of repeated moral hazard where the effect of effort is persistent over time:
each period's outcome distribution is a function of a geometrically distributed lag of past …

Incentives and aggregate shocks

C Phelan - The Review of Economic Studies, 1994 -
This paper presents an incentive-based theory of the dynamics of the distribution of
consumption in the presence of aggregate shocks. The paper builds on the models …

[PDF][PDF] Risk sharing in economies with incomplete markets

D Krueger - 1999 - Citeseer
This paper compares the degree to which a model with endogenous debt constraints versus
a standard incomplete markets model can explain the lack of risk sharing observed in cross …

[PDF][PDF] Risk-sharing networks among households in rural Ethiopia

D Ayalew - 2003 -
We apply the set up of limited commitment model to empirically test the role of informal
riskMsharing networks using panel data on informal credit transactions from rural Ethiopia …

Asset pricing implications of Pareto optimality with private information

NR Kocherlakota, L Pistaferri - 2005 -
In this paper, we consider a dynamic economy in which the agents in the economy are
privately informed about their skills, which evolve stochastically over time in an arbitrary …