Surface evaluation by estimation of fractal dimension and statistical tools

V Hotar, P Salac - The Scientific World Journal, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Structured and complex data can be found in many applications in research and
development, and also in industrial practice. We developed a methodology for describing …

Computer intelligence in modeling, prediction, and analysis of complex dynamical systems

I Zelinka, A Abraham, O Rössler, M Chadli, R Lozi - 2015 -
Our technological civilization has had to confront numerous technological challenges such
as finding the optimal solution of various problems including control technologies, power …

[PDF][PDF] Research Article Surface Evaluation by Estimation of Fractal Dimension and Statistical Tools

V Hotar, P Salac -
Structured and complex data can be found in many applications in research and
development, and also in industrial practice. We developed a methodology for describing …

Estimation of Fractal Dimension and Statistical Tools for Surface Evaluation

V Hotař, P Salač, O Matúšek - … 2014: Prediction, Modeling and Analysis of …, 2014 - Springer
Fractal geometry is a useful tool for describing the complexity of structured data. However,
fractal geometry does not substitute for other tools like statistics and should be used with …

[引用][C] Computer Intelligence in Modeling, Prediction, and Analysis of Complex Dynamical Systems

M Chadli, R Lozi