Microscopy of historic mortars—a review

J Elsen - Cement and concrete research, 2006 - Elsevier
Mortars with mud, gypsum and lime as binder have, since ancient times, been used for very
different applications. The characterisation of these historic mortars was until 1970–1980 …

The state-of-the-art of dating techniques applied to ancient mortars and binders: a review

P Urbanová, E Boaretto, G Artioli - Radiocarbon, 2020 - cambridge.org
The most recent workshop on mortar dating (25–27 Oct. 2018, Bordeaux, Montaigne
University, France), which closely followed the publication of an extensive round robin …

Mortars and masonry—structural lime and gypsum mortars in Antiquity and Middle Ages

P Vitti - Archaeological and anthropological sciences, 2021 - Springer
Mortar is of fundamental importance for the building technology. It is used to bind together
masonry units and ease the building process. Several building techniques evolved to take …

Mortars, plasters and pigments—research questions and sampling criteria

E Gliozzo, A Pizzo, MF La Russa - Archaeological and Anthropological …, 2021 - Springer
Abstract Within the Topical Collection, this paper represents an introductory contribution
aimed at describing and discussing the research questions and the sampling criteria in the …

The Vitruvian legacy: Mortars and binders before and after the Roman world

G Artioli, M Secco, A Addis - 2019 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
A brief history of the nature, use and technology of binders in ancient constructions and
buildings is outlined, including the apparent chronological discontinuities related to …

Microscopical study of ancient mortars from Tournai (Belgium)

J Elsen, A Brutsaert, M Deckers, R Brulet - Materials Characterization, 2004 - Elsevier
Masonry mortars and mortars used for flooring (4th–11th century AD) from excavations in the
Cathedral at Tournai in Belgium have been investigated as part of a broader study …

[PDF][PDF] Binders in historical buildings: Traditional lime in conservation

C Rodríguez-Navarro - Semin. Sem, 2012 - academia.edu
Mankind has used many types of binders throughout history: from mud in vernacular earthen
architecture to current high-performance cement. However, gypsum and lime have been by …

Characteristics of lime produced from limestone containing diatoms

H Böke, Ö Çizer, B İpekoğlu, E Uğurlu, K Şerifaki… - … and Building Materials, 2008 - Elsevier
In this study lime binder used in stone and brick masonry mortars of some historic Ottoman
baths was examined to understand whether the binders were hydraulic or not. For this …

Archaeometric study of mortars from the Pisa's Cathedral Square (Italy)

M Lezzerini, S Raneri, S Pagnotta, S Columbu… - Measurement, 2018 - Elsevier
The present work is focused on the study of forty-two mortars used in the construction of both
Roman buildings, old Pisa's Cathedral and Modern structures in the Miracles Square (Italy) …

[PDF][PDF] Ancient mortars and their binder

GM Crisci, M Franzini, M Lezzerini, T Mannoni… - Periodico di …, 2004 - dst.uniroma1.it
Numerous works which have characterised binders in historical buildings (Fratini and
Giovannini, 1990; Chiari et al., 1992; 1996a; 1996b; Collepardi, 1993; Fratini et al., 1994; …