Who is willing to pay for online journalistic content?
M Himma-Kadakas, R Kõuts - Media and communication, 2015 - cogitatiopress.com
While the overall readership of newspapers is growing as a result of the multiplatform reach,
many online media consumers are not offered the surplus value they expect of journalistic …
many online media consumers are not offered the surplus value they expect of journalistic …
Crisis, financialization and regulation: The case of media industries in Portugal
EC e Silva - The Political Economy of Communication, 2014 - polecom.org
This article examines the dynamics of Portuguese media groups in a context of worldwide
financialization, and the new media regulation authority established in 2008. It considers the …
financialization, and the new media regulation authority established in 2008. It considers the …
Online News Paying Intent Antecedents: The Culture of Free, Fairness of Having to Pay for News, and the Moderating Role of Political Interest
Drawing on a Spanish representative two-wave panel survey, this study examines the role
predicting the intent for paying for news of (a) a culture of free mindset, and (b) pay for news …
predicting the intent for paying for news of (a) a culture of free mindset, and (b) pay for news …
An In-Depth Look at Media Subsidies in Spain's Autonomous Communities in 2019
G Aguado-Guadalupe, JJB Gil - Blanquerna School of Communication and …, 2020 - raco.cat
https://doi. org/10.51698/tripodos. 2020.48 p153-170 This article focuses on public subsidies
for the communication media in Spain for the year 2019, presenting an in-depth analysis of …
for the communication media in Spain for the year 2019, presenting an in-depth analysis of …
Effects of media companies' organizational nature and journalists autonomy and position on internal and external influences: Evidence from Spain
Internal and external influences are crucial to understanding how news organizations work.
Their impact at the organizational level and their resolution at the level of practice permeate …
Their impact at the organizational level and their resolution at the level of practice permeate …
Современные медиа как свидетель: российский опыт (само) описания сообщества
ОВ Мороз - Шаги/Steps, 2015 - cyberleninka.ru
В центре внимания статьи находится вопрос о кризисе современных медиа, который
выражается в повсеместном технологическом и идеологическом отставании от норм …
выражается в повсеместном технологическом и идеологическом отставании от норм …
European communication and information industries in times of crisis: Continuities and transformations
LB Saura, S Papathanassopoulos - European Media in Crisis, 2015 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Since the Lehman Brothers bank went bankrupt in 2007, the world crisis has settled at the
heart of global capitalism. The financial crisis triggered a process of crisis in the real …
heart of global capitalism. The financial crisis triggered a process of crisis in the real …
Radiografía de las ayudas a los medios de comunicación en las comunidades autónomas españolas en 2019
G Aguado-Guadalupe, JJB Gil - Tripodos, 2020 - tripodos.com
This article focuses on public subsidies for the communication media in Spain for the year
2019, presenting an in-depth analysis of the situation. State subsidies for media is a …
2019, presenting an in-depth analysis of the situation. State subsidies for media is a …
Para uma economia política do estágio: experiências de ingresso no jornalismo entre ex-jornalistas
J Matos - Os três D dos media: Desigualdade …, 2021 - repositorio.ul.pt
A aprendizagem do jornalismo é, como noutras atividades, inseparável do seu exercício.
Independentemente das categorias a aplicar na sua definição, é difícil deixar de identificar …
Independentemente das categorias a aplicar na sua definição, é difícil deixar de identificar …
Desafios no jornalismo e sustentabilidade no sector da imprensa escrita
TFCL Quintanilha - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Num campo de estudos tão consolidado como aquele a que se reporta esta tese,
abordámos um grande número de conceitos envolvidos numa amálgama de fenómenos …
abordámos um grande número de conceitos envolvidos numa amálgama de fenómenos …