Hyperspectral unmixing based on nonnegative matrix factorization: A comprehensive review
Hyperspectral unmixing has been an important technique that estimates a set of
endmembers and their corresponding abundances from a hyperspectral image (HSI) …
endmembers and their corresponding abundances from a hyperspectral image (HSI) …
Advances in meta-heuristic optimization algorithms in big data text clustering
This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the meta-heuristic optimization algorithms
on the text clustering applications and highlights its main procedures. These Artificial …
on the text clustering applications and highlights its main procedures. These Artificial …
SemiACO: A semi-supervised feature selection based on ant colony optimization
Feature selection is one of the most efficient procedures for reducing the dimensionality of
high-dimensional data by choosing a practical subset of features. Since labeled samples are …
high-dimensional data by choosing a practical subset of features. Since labeled samples are …
Symmetric nonnegative matrix factorization-based community detection models and their convergence analysis
Community detection is a popular yet thorny issue in social network analysis. A symmetric
and nonnegative matrix factorization (SNMF) model based on a nonnegative multiplicative …
and nonnegative matrix factorization (SNMF) model based on a nonnegative multiplicative …
Self-supervised semi-supervised nonnegative matrix factorization for data clustering
Semi-supervised nonnegative matrix factorization exploits the strengths of matrix
factorization in successfully learning part-based representation and is also able to achieve …
factorization in successfully learning part-based representation and is also able to achieve …
Efficient and robust multiview clustering with anchor graph regularization
Multi-view clustering has received widespread attention owing to its effectiveness by
integrating multi-view data appropriately, but traditional algorithms have limited applicability …
integrating multi-view data appropriately, but traditional algorithms have limited applicability …
A survey on semi-supervised graph clustering
Abstract Semi-Supervised Graph Clustering (SSGC) has emerged as a pivotal field at the
intersection of graph clustering and semi-supervised learning (SSL), offering innovative …
intersection of graph clustering and semi-supervised learning (SSL), offering innovative …
Multi-view clustering guided by unconstrained non-negative matrix factorization
Multi-view clustering based on non-negative matrix factorization (NMFMvC) is a well-known
method for handling high-dimensional multi-view data. To satisfy the non-negativity …
method for handling high-dimensional multi-view data. To satisfy the non-negativity …
Semisupervised adaptive symmetric non-negative matrix factorization
As a variant of non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), symmetric NMF (SymNMF) can
generate the clustering result without additional post-processing, by decomposing a …
generate the clustering result without additional post-processing, by decomposing a …
Machine learning on syngeneic mouse tumor profiles to model clinical immunotherapy response
Most patients with cancer are refractory to immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy, and
proper patient stratification remains an open question. Primary patient data suffer from high …
proper patient stratification remains an open question. Primary patient data suffer from high …