Predictive Multi-Agent based Planning and Landing Controller for Reactive Dual-Arm Manipulation
Future robots operating in fast-changing anthropomorphic environments need to be reactive,
safe, flexible, and intuitively use both arms (comparable to humans) to handle task-space …
safe, flexible, and intuitively use both arms (comparable to humans) to handle task-space …
[PDF][PDF] Leader-Follower Cooperative Manipulation Under Spatio-Temporal Constraints
In this work, we develop a control algorithm for mobile manipulators manipulating an object
within a leaderfollower framework. Unlike existing literature, we avoid the knowledge of the …
within a leaderfollower framework. Unlike existing literature, we avoid the knowledge of the …
Efficient kinematics using quaternions for serial and antiparallel link robot arms
西井一敏, 奥松美宏, 羽多野顕 -
Dual quaternions have been proposed as an alternative to homogeneous transformation
matrices in robotic kinematics. To perform inverse kinematics calculations using …
matrices in robotic kinematics. To perform inverse kinematics calculations using …