MPI-parallel discrete adjoint OpenFOAM

M Towara, M Schanen, U Naumann - Procedia Computer Science, 2015 - Elsevier
OpenFOAM is a powerful Open-Source (GPLv3) Computational Fluid Dynamics tool box
with a rising adoption in both academia and industry due to its continuously growing set of …

Adjoint computations by algorithmic differentiation of a parallel solver for time-dependent PDEs

JI Cardesa, L Hascoët, C Airiau - Journal of computational science, 2020 - Elsevier
A computational fluid dynamics code is differentiated using algorithmic differentiation (AD) in
both tangent and adjoint modes. The two novelties of the present approach are (1) the …

[PDF][PDF] Discrete adjoint optimization with OpenFOAM

M Towara - 2018 -
The focus of this thesis lies on the efficient generation of sensitivity information for
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications, using the discrete adjoint approach …

Simple adjoint message passing

M Towara, U Naumann - Optimization Methods and Software, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
In the context of numerical simulation a system of partial differential equations is typically
solved by discretizing it into a set of linear equations. The non-linear effects in the solution …

Discrete Adjoints of PETSc through dco/c++ and Adjoint MPI

J Lotz, U Naumann, M Sagebaum… - Euro-Par 2013 Parallel …, 2013 - Springer
Abstract PETSc's [1] robustness, scalability and portability makes it the foundation of various
parallel implementations of numerical simulation codes. We formulate a least squares …

Seeding and adjoining zero-halo partitioned parallel scientific codes

P Mohanamuraly, L Hascoët… - Optimization Methods and …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Algorithmic differentiation tools can automate the adjoint transformation of parallel message-
passing codes [J. Utke, L. Hascoët, P. Heimbach, C. Hill, P. Hovland, and U. Naumann …

Unsteady adjoint computations by algorithmic differentiation of parallel code

JI Cardesa, L Hascoët, C Airiau - Journal of computational science, 2020 -
A computational fluid dynamics code relying on a high-order spatial discretization is
differentiated using algorithmic differentiation (AD). Two unsteady test cases are considered …

[PDF][PDF] Fully automatic adjoints of large-scale numerical simulations

E Charoenwanit - 2019 -
This dissertation is concerned with algorithmic differentiation (AD), which is a method for
algorithmically computing the derivatives∇ F (x) of mathematical functions F: D⊂ Rn↦→ Rm …

Sensitivity computations by algorithmic differentiation of a high-order cfd code based on spectral differences

JI Cardesa, C Airiau - Aerospace Europe conference 2020, 2020 -
We compute flow sensitivities by differentiating a high-order computational fluid dynamics
code. Our fully discrete approach relies on automatic differentiation (AD) of the original …