Understanding journalism

L Sheridan Burns - 2018 - torrossa.com
'Lynette Sheridan Burns was among the first to apply a genuine “reflective practice”
approach to journalism education–teaching students how to report effectively within ethical …

[图书][B] Media relations: Issues and strategies

J Johnston - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Public relations and the media are in a time of major change. The rise of social media,
altered media platforms, evolving legislative environments and new models of …

[图书][B] Post-Conflict Literature

C Andrews, M McGuire - 2016 - api.taylorfrancis.com
This book brings together a variety of perspectives to explore the role of literature in the
aftermath of political conflict, studying the ways in which writers approach violent conflict and …

Flip-skirt fatales: On cheerleading, fetish and hate

E Jane - 2012 - unsworks.unsw.edu.au
dc. description. abstract Cheerleading–an activity with origins in the elite, male-dominated
domain of the late 19th century American university campus–is now a highly commodified …

Infoentretenimento no jornalismo: cobertura da visita do Papa Francisco a Fátima no Centenário das “Aparições” pela televisão pública portuguesa

RMF Marques - 2021 - repositorio.ipl.pt
As implicações do aparecimento do infoentretenimento–ou seja, a convergência da
informação e do entretenimento–no jornalismo, assim como o surgimento de formas …

Out-of-Home Care in Australia

M Deitz, LS Burns - Foster Youth in the Mediasphere: Lived Experience …, 2022 - Springer
This chapter discusses the history of out-of-home care in Australia and how it has been
framed in the public sphere, particularly through several government inquiries and reports. It …


G Lăzăroiu - Geopolitics, History, and International Relations, 2010 - ceeol.com
Overall, throughout this paper, I demonstrate the value and importance of the status of social
networking in mainstream news journalism, democratic publicness, online social networks …

Paul Kelly and George Megalogenis: media intellectuals in Australian politics

PW Kemp - 2018 - digital.library.adelaide.edu.au
Paul Kelly and George Megalogenis are Australian journalists and political historians who
have been influential in their interpretation of contemporary Australian political history. This …

Family reunion: the potential of digital storytelling and the tracing files of the Australian Red Cross International Tracing Service

M Deitz - Post-Conflict Literature, 2016 - api.taylorfrancis.com
The attractions of the Project and the Archive for a novelist are evident. First, there is the
manner in which the largest collection of secret state documents in Latin American history …

[PDF][PDF] Epilogue–An invitation to readers

PJ Chen - Australian politics in a digital age - library.oapen.org
This book is provided under a liberal licence that permits the creation and distribution of
derivative works. It is part of an expanding body of writing, multimedia, and teaching …