Fuzzy logic approach to predictive risk analysis in distribution outage management

PC Chen, M Kezunovic - IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Weather impacts are one of the main causes of distribution outages. To devise strategies to
mitigate weather impacts, a fuzzy logic system for decision making is introduced. It allows …

Predicting weather-associated impacts in outage management utilizing the GIS framework

PC Chen, T Dokic, N Stokes… - 2015 IEEE PES …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Weather-related impacts are at the top of all outage causes. Yet, traditional outage
management (OM) approaches do not integrate all available and relevant weather …

Weather related fault prediction in minimally monitored distribution networks

E Tsioumpri, B Stephen, SDJ McArthur - Energies, 2021 - mdpi.com
Power distribution networks are increasingly challenged by ageing plant, environmental
extremes and previously unforeseen operational factors. The combination of high loading …

Automated review of distance relay settings adequacy after the network topology changes

M Tasdighi, M Kezunovic - IEEE Transactions on Power …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A challenge raised in today's power system is assessing the system protection security and
dependability after the topology has been changed due to relay operation upon the …

Распознавание аварийных состояний энергообъекта посредством локализации альтернативных режимов

ЮЯ Лямец, ПИ Воронов, АБ Атнишкин - Электричество, 2018 - old-etr1880.mpei.ru
Аннотация Множество режимов электрической системы, в состав которой входит
защищаемый энергообъект, разделено на подмножество режимов, обусловленных …

The basic tasks in the development of the smart protection device

DA Stepanova, VI Antonov, VA Naumov… - 2021 Ural-Siberian …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The Smart Protection Devices are intelligent relay protection devices based on machine
learning methods. They can delimit complex unconnected parameters areas of various …

Compression of the Training Sample of the Smart Protection Device without Compromising its Information Capacity

DA Stepanova, VI Antonov… - 2021 International Ural …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In the algorithms of their functioning, Smart Protection Devices use machine learning
methods that provide them with the ability to make decisions in the multidimensional space …

Hierarchically coordinated protection: a key element in improving power system resilience

M Tasdighi, M Kezunovic - 2018 IEEE International Energy …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper investigates the challenges of conventional transmission protection system
dependability and security when meeting the operating complexities affecting power system …

Fault anticipation in distribution networks

E Tsioumpri - 2020 - stax.strath.ac.uk
This thesis is concerned with the topic of Fault Anticipation in Distribution Networks, focusing
on the rapidly changing operational nature of distribution networks and outlining the …

Data analytics to support operational distribution network monitoring

E Tsioumpri, B Stephen, N Dunn-Birch… - 2018 IEEE PES …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The operation of distribution networks has become more challenging in recent years with
increasing levels of embedded generation and other low carbon technologies pushing these …