A Developer Relations (DevRel) model to govern developers in Software Ecosystems
Software Ecosystem (SECO) comprises third‐party developers cooperating and competing
when contributing to a platform provided by a central organization (keystone). There are …
when contributing to a platform provided by a central organization (keystone). There are …
Developer relations (devrel) roles: An exploratory study on practitioners' opinions
Amazon, Google, and Facebook are examples of organizations that are investing in
Developer Relations (DevRel) teams to support the synergy among developer communities' …
Developer Relations (DevRel) teams to support the synergy among developer communities' …
[PDF][PDF] Identificando Casos de Folga Social em Repositórios de Código Aberto
JAMC de Andrade - bib.pucminas.br
Nos últimos anos, a necessidade de projetos de software em grande escala fez com que os
projetos sejam geralmente desenvolvidos em grupos. No entanto, surgem desafios únicos …
projetos sejam geralmente desenvolvidos em grupos. No entanto, surgem desafios únicos …