Location sharing and tracking using mobile phones or other wireless devices

RD Haney - US Patent 8,538,458, 2013 - Google Patents
4,818,998 4,819,860 4,868,376 4,884,132 4,891,638 4,891,650 4,903,212 4,907,159
4,910,767 4,939,662 4,952,928 4,972,484 4,980,913 4,999,783 5,014,040 5,014,206 …

Centralized selection of peers as media data sources in a dispersed peer network

MD Hudson, BL Windheim, D Stewart, S Menon… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A multi-source peer content distribution system transfers content files from
multiple, distributed peer computers to any requesting computer. The content distribution …

System and methods of streamlining media files from a dispersed peer network to maintain quality of service

MD Hudson, BL Windheim, D Stewart, S Menon… - US Patent …, 2013 - Google Patents
Media content, including content Suitable for streaming, is distributed to and accessible over
a communications network by computer nodes within a peer storage network of computer …

Centralized selection of peers as media data sources in a dispersed peer network

MD Hudson, BL Windheim, DL Stewart… - US Patent …, 2009 - Google Patents
3, 1999 8, 1999 12, 1999 1, 2002 4, 2002 6, 2002 T/2002 8, 2002 1, 2003 5/2003 6, 2003 8,
2003 10, 2003 12, 2003 1, 2004 2, 2004 3, 2004 4, 2004 4, 2004 4, 2004 5, 2004 5, 2004 6 …

System and methods of streaming media files from a dispersed peer network to maintain quality of service

MD Hudson, BL Windheim, D Stewart, S Menon… - US Patent …, 2012 - Google Patents
6,415,280 6,434,622 6,510,553 6,558,049 6,578,201 6,606,717 6,611,530 6,633,901
6,665,726 6,675,205 6,697,365 6,711,622 6,721,957 6,728,271 6,728,760 6,732, 183 …

Location sharing and tracking using mobile phones or other wireless devices

RD Haney - US Patent 8,798,593, 2014 - Google Patents
A system for exchanging GPS or other position data between wireless devices for purposes
of group activities, child location monitoring, work group coordination, dispatching of …

Tracking proximity of services provider to services consumer

RD Haney - US Patent 8,798,647, 2014 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data Continuation of application No. 13/889,132, filed on May 7,
2013, which is a continuation of application No. 12/075,408, filed on Mar. 11, 2008, now Pat …

Methods and apparatuses for transmission of an alert to multiple devices

RD Haney - US Patent 8,831,635, 2014 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system for exchanging GPS or other position data between wireless
devices for purposes of group activities, child loca tion monitoring, work group coordination …

Centralized selection of peers as media data sources in a dispersed peer network

MD Hudson, BL Windheim, D Stewart, S Menon… - US Patent …, 2010 - Google Patents
8, 1999 12, 1999 1, 2002 4, 2002 6, 2002 T/2002 8, 2002 1, 2003 5/2003 6, 2003 8, 2003 8,
2003 10, 2003 12, 2003 1, 2004 2, 2004 3, 2004 4, 2004 4, 2004 4, 2004 5, 2004 5, 2004 6 …

Methods and systems for temporarily sharing position data between mobile-device users

RD Haney - US Patent 8,712,441, 2014 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system for exchanging GPS or other position data between devices for
purposes of group activities, child location moni toring, work group coordination, dispatching …