[HTML][HTML] The implicit impact of cross-listing on stock prices: A market microstructure perspective–The case of Latin American markets

OHZ Vázquez, JGM Jiménez - Contaduría y administración, 2016 - Elsevier
The objective of this research is to evaluate the unobserved effect of cross-listing on stock
prices of companies from Latin America. Particularly, we study the impact of the issuance of …

Can we trust financial analysts? Reliability of stock recommendations and firm-specific characteristics

P Santosuosso - International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2015 - iris.uniroma1.it
We examine the reliability of analysts' stock recommendations issued for Italian listed firms
by exploring absolute stock returns. Research findings reveal that absolute stock returns …

Mitigation of US home bias in the valuation of Canadian natural resource firms: Choice of reporting and transaction currency

W Rotenberg - Multinational Finance Journal, 2013 - papers.ssrn.com
This study explores whether the valuation of Canadian natural resource firms is related to
their decisions to present financial reports in US dollars or to allow dual currency (Canadian …

재무분석가장기예측결정요인: 이익의지속성을중심으로

최수영, 김명인, 배진철 - 국제회계연구, 2019 - dbpia.co.kr
본 연구는 당기 이익이 미래 기간에도 지속되는 정도를 의미하는 이익의 지속성이 재무분석가
장기이익예측에 미치는 영향에 대해 살펴보았다. 기업에 대한 재무분석가의 장기예측은 높은 …

Bedeutung von Corporate Governance, Enforcement und sonstigen Einflussfaktoren

M Kühnberger, M Kühnberger - … : Konzeptionelle Grundlagen und …, 2017 - Springer
Es ist weitgehend Konsens, dass die Qualität der IFRS-Rechnungslegung nicht nur von den
Standards selbst abhängt, sondern auch von den Randbedingungen der Unternehmen …

미래순이익예측모형에관한연구: 횡단면적모형과재무분석가예측비교를중심으로

박성희, 정석윤, 차상권 - 상업교육연구, 2015 - scholarworks.bwise.kr
본 연구의 목적은 최근 미국 연구에서 소개된 횡단면 자료를 이용한 미래 이익예측 모형의
유용성을 국내 자본시장에서 검증하는 데 있다. 국내자본시장과 같이 재부 분석가의 …

[图书][B] The implicit impact of cross-listing on stock prices: A market microstructure perspective-The case of Latin American markets

JGM Jimenez - 2013 - search.proquest.com
The main objective of this dissertation is to evaluate the unexpressed effect of Cross-Listing
on stock prices of Companies from Latin America, in particular, I expect stock prices to get …

[PDF][PDF] Revista Contaduría y Administración

OHZ Vázquez, JGM Jiménez, OH Zavaleta Vázquez - researchgate.net
El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar el efecto no aparente sobre los precios
accionarios de Latinoamérica al momento de emitir ADRs. En particular, se estudia el …

[引用][C] 交叉上市约束效应研究述评与未来展望——基于法律约束和声誉约束视角

徐建, 李维安 - 外国经济与管理, 2014