A simple method to improve the consistency ratio of the pair-wise comparison matrix in ANP

D Ergu, G Kou, Y Peng, Y Shi - European Journal of Operational Research, 2011 - Elsevier
Tests of consistency for the pair-wise comparison matrices have been studied extensively
since AHP was introduced by Saaty in 1970s. However, existing methods are either too …

Analytic network process in risk assessment and decision analysis

D Ergu, G Kou, Y Shi, Y Shi - Computers & Operations Research, 2014 - Elsevier
In risk assessment and decision analysis, the analytical network process (ANP) is widely
used to assess the key factors of risks and analyze the impacts and preferences of decision …

[图书][B] Understanding the analytic hierarchy process

K Kulakowski - 2020 - books.google.com
The aim of this book is to provide the reader with a critical guide to AHP. In this book, the
AHP method is considered primarily as a mathematical technique supporting the decision …

Notes on order preservation and consistency in AHP

K Kułakowski - European Journal of Operational Research, 2015 - Elsevier
The pairwise comparisons method is a convenient tool used when the relative order among
different concepts (alternatives) needs to be determined. One popular implementation of the …

On axiomatization of inconsistency indicators for pairwise comparisons

WW Koczkodaj, R Szwarc - Fundamenta Informaticae, 2014 - content.iospress.com
This study examines the notion of inconsistency in pairwise comparisons for providing an
axiomatization for it. It also proposes two inconsistency indicators for pairwise comparisons …

Contribution of individual judgments toward inconsistency in pairwise comparisons

S Siraj, L Mikhailov, JA Keane - European Journal of Operational Research, 2015 - Elsevier
Pairwise comparison (PC) is a well-established method to assist decision makers in
estimating their preferences. In PCs, the acquired judgments are used to construct a PC …

New results on inconsistency indices and their relationship with the quality of priority vector estimation

AZ Grzybowski - Expert Systems with Applications, 2016 - Elsevier
The article is devoted to the problem of inconsistency in the pairwise comparisons based
prioritization methodology. The issue of “inconsistency” in this context has gained much …

Important Facts and Observations about Pairwise Comparisons (the special issue edition)

WW Koczkodaj, L Mikhailov, G Redlarski… - Fundamenta …, 2016 - content.iospress.com
This study has been inspired by numerous requests for clarification from researchers who
often confuse Saaty's Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the pairwise comparisons (PC) …

Pairwise comparisons simplified

WW Koczkodaj, J Szybowski - Applied Mathematics and computation, 2015 - Elsevier
Pairwise comparisons simplified - ScienceDirect Skip to main contentSkip to article Elsevier
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Inconsistency reduction in decision making via multi-objective optimisation

E Abel, L Mikhailov, J Keane - European Journal of Operational Research, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract Within Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), pairwise comparison facilitates a
separation of concerns helping to accurately represent a decision maker's preferences …