Delivery of public health interventions by the ambulance sector: a scoping review

S Ablard, E Miller, S Poulton, A Cantrell, A Booth… - BMC Public Health, 2023 - Springer
Background With millions of unscheduled patient contacts every year and increasing call
outs clustered around the most deprived communities, it is clear the ambulance sector could …

Policy, practice, and research agenda for emergency medical services oversight: a systematic review and environmental scan

RK Taymour, M Abir, M Chamberlin… - … and disaster medicine, 2018 -
IntroductionIn a 2015 report, the Institute of Medicine (IOM; Washington, DC USA), now the
National Academy of Medicine (NAM; Washington, DC USA), stated that the field of …

Trends of pre-hospital emergency medical services activity over 10 years: a population-based registry analysis

V Pittet, B Burnand, B Yersin, PN Carron - BMC health services research, 2014 - Springer
Background The number of requests to pre-hospital emergency medical services (PEMS)
has increased in Europe over the last 20 years, but epidemiology of PEMS interventions has …

The impact of a statewide pre-hospital STEMI strategy to bypass hospitals without percutaneous coronary intervention capability on treatment times

EL Fosbol, CB Granger, JG Jollis, L Monk, L Lin… - Circulation, 2013 - Am Heart Assoc
Background—The ultimate treatment goal for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
(STEMI) is rapid reperfusion via primary percutaneous intervention (PCI). North Carolina has …

Disparities in emergency medical services time intervals for patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome: Findings from the North Carolina Prehospital Medical …

ER Cui, AR Fernandez, JK Zegre‐Hemsey… - Journal of the …, 2021 - Am Heart Assoc
Background Timely emergency medical services (EMS) response, management, and
transport of patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS) significantly reduce …

Probability of a shockable presenting rhythm as a function of EMS response time

GK Renkiewicz, MW Hubble, DR Wesley… - Prehospital …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Introduction. Survival from cardiac arrest is associated with having a shockable presenting
rhythm (VF/pulseless VT) upon EMS arrival. A concern is that several studies have reported …

Out-of-hospital stroke screen accuracy in a state with an emergency medical services protocol for routing patients to acute stroke centers

AW Asimos, S Ward, JH Brice, WD Rosamond… - Annals of emergency …, 2014 - Elsevier
Study objective Emergency medical services (EMS) protocols, which route patients with
suspected stroke to stroke centers, rely on the use of accurate stroke screening criteria. Our …

Emergency medical services key performance measurement in Asian cities

NH Rahman, H Tanaka, SD Shin, YY Ng… - International journal of …, 2015 - Springer
Background One of the key principles in the recommended standards is that emergency
medical service (EMS) providers should continuously monitor the quality and safety of their …

Use of syndromic surveillance data to monitor poisonings and drug overdoses in state and local public health agencies

A Ising, S Proescholdbell, KJ Harmon… - Injury …, 2016 -
Background The incidence of poisoning and drug overdose has risen rapidly in the USA
over the last 16 years. To inform local intervention approaches, local health departments …

Repeated emergency medical services use by older adults: analysis of a comprehensive statewide database

CS Evans, TF Platts-Mills, AR Fernandez… - Annals of emergency …, 2017 - Elsevier
Study objective The objective of this study is to characterize repeated emergency medical
services (EMS) transports among older adults across a large and socioeconomically diverse …