The Strategy of the Environment and Hygiene Office in Overcoming the Existence of Illegal Temporary Shelter (TPS) in Pekanbaru

N Astuti, I Irawaty, FM Sari - JOELS: Journal of Election and …, 2022 -
This paper discusses the strategies by Environment and Hygiene Office (DLHK) in
overcoming the existence of illegal temporary shelter (TPS) in Pekanbaru. The theory used …

The Consistency of Stakeholder Involvement in Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS

A Yandra, K Husna, A Arizal, A Andrizal… - … : Jurnal Sosial dan …, 2021 -
Reducing HIV/AIDS case requires collaboration between institutions. However, many
institutions that should be involved in handling it do not even notice they are involved. The …

Merubah Budaya Pelayanan Publik: Adopsi dari Sistem Informasi Manajemen Perizinan Mobile Elektronik (Simolek)

FM Sari, A Yandra - Sosial Budaya -
Penelitian ini mengkaji adopsi SIMOLEK dalam merubah budaya pelayanan publik.
Pelayanan perizinan dan non perizinan di Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan …

[PDF][PDF] The Consistency of Stakeholder Involvement in Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS

Reducing HIV/AIDS case requires collaboration between institutions. However, many
institutions that should be involved in handling it do not even notice they are involved. The …

[PDF][PDF] Author Firna Larasanti Student Number 1047972 Email firna. larasanti@ wur. nl/larasantifirna@ gmail. com Course MSc Environmental Policy (ENP-80436) …

B van Vliet -
I am proud to present my thesis, Ecobrick: An Innovative Method of Circular Economy in
Public Private Partnerships,(A case study of plastic waste recycling in Semarang …