Sukuk Negara Sebagai Alternatif Pembiayaan Proyek Infrastruktur Di Indonesia: Systematic Literature Review

AE Yuliani, T Fitrijanti, PY Sari - Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori Dan …, 2020 -
Basic infrastructure, both economic and social infrastructure is needed to encourage
development and economic growth. In fulfilling infrastructure needs, various alternative …

Optimalisasi Peran Sukuk sebagai Instrumen Investasi Syariah dalam Mendorong Pembangunan Ekonomi Nasional

DD Romadhoni, N Ramidah… - Diponegoro Journal of …, 2023 -
In recent years, Sukuk have become more popular. With a fairly large number of 163 series
or 29% of the total series of sovereign bonds, it is no wonder that sukuk have developed and …

[PDF][PDF] Project's cost-benefit analysis for social infrastucture in tertiary education sector with sharia financing and the interest of waqifs: an Indonesia perspective

EN Surachman, A Mauliana… - Journal of Islamic …, 2024 -
Purpose-This research was conducted to analyze how CWLS can be promising sources of
infrastructure financing by presenting the benefit through the calculation of Cost-Benefit …

Isti 'mār Al-Arḍ: The concept of prosperity for the earth from Qur 'ānic perspective

BM Yunus, MR Mohd Nor… - International …, 2020 -
This article tries to uncover the concept of prosperity of the earth which begins with verse 61
of Sūrat Hūd, then continues by connecting it with other verses in the Qur‟ ān and the …

Pengaruh Perkembangan Jumlah Project Finance Sukuk Terhadap Pertumbuhan Aset Keuangan Syariah Tahun 2013-2021

NU Ashwat, MW Mustofa - Quranomic: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis …, 2024 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh perkembangan Project Finance
sukuk terhadap pertumbuhan aset keuangan syariah pada tahun 2014-2020. Penelitian ini …

Pembiayaan Sukuk dalam Skema Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha (KPBU): Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) di Sektor Energi dan Sumber …

MD Jatnika, L Andani - RISALAH IQTISADIYAH: Journal of …, 2023 -
Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has a large potential for energy and
mineral resources. Therefore, this potential can be managed by the government for social …

Disclosure of the Risks of Islamic Financial Instruments (Sukuk)

OI Tawfik, HEE Elsayed Ghazi - Islamic Accounting and Finance: A …, 2023 - World Scientific
The study aims to propose a framework for disclosing sukuk risks, show the types of risks to
which sukuks are exposed in the various literatures, and how to disclose sukuk risks in …

Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Volume Perdagangan Sukuk Negara Ritel Sr-012 di Indonesia

MI Muadi -
Sukuk negara ritel seri SR-012 merupakan seri sukuk ritel pertama yang dijual secara
online karena pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor …

Analisis Aplikasi Akad Wakalah dalam Project Based Sukuk (PBS) di Indonesia

T Kurniawan - Jurnal Hukum Islam, 2021 -
Islamic economic development is a task incumbent upon a good Muslim community.
Indonesia has, in recent years, accelerated its economic development-especially in the area …

Analisis Anggaran Infrastruktur, Defisit Anggaran, Inflasi, Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Syariah (SBIS), Dan Jumlah Uang Beredar Terhadap Sukuk Negara (Periode …

LP Permatasari -
ABSTRAK Project Based Sukuk (PBS) merupakan salah satu Surat Berharga Syariah
Negara (SBSN) yang diterbitkan untuk hal khusus seperti pembiayaan proyek infrastruktur …